rude - song fic

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Draco awoke with a start. The day he'd been waiting for came. The day which he prayed would go well. The day to ask Harry's uncle for his hand in marriage. He knew he'd have to blend in with the muggles, so instead of Apperatting (as he knew it would catch at least ONE muggle's eye with appearing from thin air), he took the car Harry gave him for his birthday.

While Draco knew Uncle Vernon was an arse, Draco had some manners. So there he was, driving to 4 Privet Drive, knowing, something would go wrong.

He arrived, hesitating to knock. He knocked twice before the door opened.

"Who's there and what do you- Oh. It's you." Vernon hissed, exaggerating the 'you'. "Come in. I don't have all day."

Draco stepped in. He was wearing his finest suit (at least according to his friends and Harry), and blended in with the rest of the finely dressed house. He was led to a dining room, where he was told to take a seat. "So." Draco started, "I have a feeling you know why I'm here." Draco smiled, buying time. Something Vernon wasn't happy with.

"Listen, I know why you're here. So, let's cut right to the chase. You want the boy. I would let him go, but I don't like to treat him. My answer is no. You're a disgusting wizard who doesn't deserve anything." Vernon smirked, knowing what the two 27 year olds would say.

Draco saw this coming. "I know you enjoy getting on people's nerves, which, I can agree, is fun, but you have no right to say that. I have powers, which you don't possess, and alongside that, have the ability to use them against you. So fuck you, I'm marrying him."

And with that, Draco strutted out of that house, head held high.


As Draco's fiance walked down the aisle, he thought about that night. How many Harry times Harry told him about Vernon, and how many times he was warned. His stubborn arse. Just had to prove them wrong. 'Get your heads out of the clouds Draco, you're about to get married.'

He looked up as Arthur let go of Harry.

Draco smiled. 'If Vernon could see him now.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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