the fault in me 1.0

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• Milan ariyah white •

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• Milan ariyah white •

"GET IN THE CAR MILAN" ace yelled as i ran on the side of the road trying to get away from that crazy mf.

we were toxic no reason to lie. he really just blew it though, lemme tell y'all what had just happened. we had went in the gas station and the man gave me my receipt so i said thank you like a normal person cause who tfk wouldn't.

the house we live in is in the hills of oakland california so on the way i realized he hadn't said a word and he was holding the steering wheel mad tight all i said was "what's the pro-" see here's where it goes from sugar to shit.

" BITCH YOUR TOO FRIENDLY . HOW YOU KNOW HIM. I BET YALL FUCKED" i looked at him and said run that back cause who is uu talkin too.

his fist ran straight into my nose like ou. i grabbed the wheel which distracted him i got out the car
i walked down some more and called an uber cause i'm black i don't have time to be getting shot for walking right now.

i realized it was only 8:09 so i ordered the uber and had him take me to home depot cause baybeeee i'm changing these locks.

my phone rang and it was just my bestfriend namarah ( if y'all can't pronounce that lmk) and i answered and lemme tell y'all i've never heard someone scream that loud .

she was next to some black looking asian thing with little worms growing off his head

namarah 💕

namarah 💕

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