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•a year later •

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•a year later •

"hey live "

random1 ; hey milan ⚡️🖤

hey girl

kentrellswifee: you went and got custody of kasey cause yo baby died

"you don't know me stop acting like uu do. you probably 15 behind this screen talking about sum youn know nothing about. don't even know kentrell talking about kentrells wife. some of his fans be coo asfk and the other half i be wanting to punch yaal istg. i won't punch yaal ofc cause i'm grown asfk but don't get it twisted i ah call kendal and his lul girlfran to beat y'all ass."

_.irulann: ms.girl i'm pregnant but i got some friends who who ever want it 😂😗

preg- lemme ft yaal but period anyways bye live 😂.

okay lemme fill y'all in before i call kendal and ru

me and tay left walmart to see kacey was missing i looked at him and was like what

so i went down to cps

( i know this ain't how it work but ion want kasey in the system)

i explained to them that dents was a bad dad , he was on drugs and felt kasey unattended with drugs and when i picked him up he had bruises scattered all over his body as i showed her pictures

"that's enough maam she said lookin all shook up

if your fully adopting him i need to know where the mother is

"she is deceased "

your eligible at that point .. i just need to check your home for the requirements "

when can we do that i asked

now she said

ya yea yea

four hours later

"he's all yours"

she said that like he was a car or sum lordt get this woman out my house

"can i have some water she asked"

"sure the waters are in the garage out side let's go get some " i said

as soon as she walked through the front door i closed it and locked it

stupid my my garage is way at the top what i look like goin up there for a mf water bye.

anyways sooo ummm i got a boyfran too. his name Bashar like i know i said i was done with rappers but he sum else

i still live with ocean but her got a lul boyfran too so ion see her like that.

it's other details thats smallll

picked up my phone and talked to kendal and his gf cause i'm still mad coo with them

kendal was alr coming out here ..for what idk but i just bout irulan a ticket cause why he tryna leave her

i said my goodbyes and send irulan her info and went upstairs to check on kasey and i went to sleep

next chapter ima do that q&a thing on all the characters in this book

yall fwm rn? or yaal mad kentrell down bad 😂😂.

the fault of him ♕ ' FINISHED . Where stories live. Discover now