Chapter 1 ∞ Lunch Time

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Before you start I just want some things to be clear here.

I'm sorry for any inconvenient grammatical mistakes or anything that bothers you about my writing. I'm not THAT good at writing but this is just for fun. If you don't like it then don't read it. (:

As well as, please don't copy anything from this story.

You can continue now.


Makayla's POV -

"Oh can you shut up already?"

"No I'm not shutting up Makayla, you've been literally dating all the boys in this high school!",
says Ally.

"So? Ally just calm your ass down. It's just dating, it's not like I'm having sex with every single boys or anything"

I roll my eyes.

"Omg for real though, I'm saying this for your good! What if one day you just suddenly get pregnant?!"
Ally says worriedly.

"I'll be careful ok, and I don't give so easily and you perfectly know that"

"Yeah I know..." Ally replies.

"Plus, you obviously know how I play with boys and by that I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about Love"
I smirk.

"Haha, you haven't changed a bit at all"

"Why? Is that bad?"
I grin.

"Nah, if it was then why are we still best friends?"

I chuckle.

"Well I'm the one always saving your ass anyways"

I start laughing and she makes this you-had-to-say that face.

Allison Wilson is one of the people who would really eat your brain with lectures but sweet and very cool at times. She's been my best friend since middle school years.
Her lectures are annoying but really... You wouldn't want to leave a friend like her..

Trust me.

Oh look I actually said something nice about her.

Well sometimes she's like an "I don't care" type like me.

The next day she's the worried wimp or a mom assigned to look after me in school....

She's too nice to be honest and easily doesn't even open up except around her friends.

She has these unique brown eyes; has shoulder length brown hair with some highlights and she's more like an innocent type girl but hell true SHE IS INNOCENT.

Well most the cliché stories include an innocent best friend...

No wonder why.

"Omg omg omg, did you guys see that hot dude over there!
I'm almost gonna melt!!"

Maddie comes running towards us and starts fan-girling about some random hot guy.

"Mads lemme take you to the doctor so that he makes sure you've seen a guy before".
I say in sarcasm.

"But look at him!! He almost looks like Harry Styles and his hair looks so soft! I want a boyfriend like that"
Maddie says thrillingly.

Madison Torres.

My another crazy home-girl whose a fan-girl about she sees.

Maddie has long brunette hair and loves wearing cool clothes but she literally talks about one direction and 5sos 24/7...

Even if I never looked like the person whose not interested in a celebrity or a hot guy,  I'd actually be THE PERSON that knew more than the fan itself.

Well thanks Mads.
All credits to you..

"Oh no, here comes the mega slut"

Ally suddenly says out of nowhere.

"Oh what the-"

Before I could even answer...
That girl starts kissing a guy name David, who always kind of liked her, but she has a mega hot boyfriend already.

Me, Ally & Maddie just stare at her.

It's Victoria Hughes.

Well let's just say she's very well known around the school...
And also very well known as a slut....

I mean not just a normal slut people call each other just because they're jealous or dating their crush...

She's like the real basic slut.

Even the meaning slut in the dictionary fails her...

Second of all.

She hates me.

I hate her.

It's just as simple as that...

Well her reason...
"She's taking my popularity away!"
Is very very specific ...

Like how is she even 16 and in this grade?

Well I'm guessing the teachers made a mistake or she probably fucked the old guys to get her going with school...

Just a guess, cough.

And how did I even become the 2nd most popular in school like is it because I'm too ugly? Or is it because I'm so bitchy to people? Like dayum praise me.

I hear people saying they like my "I don't give a fuck" attitude so I'm just gonna take that as to the popularity.

Victoria stops making out with him at last & goes to her other slutty annoying friends.
Well they hate me too.

"Did you JUST see that?!"
Maddie says.

Me and Ally both look at Maddie with a straight face.

"Ok neverminddd"

The lunch bell rings and we start going to our lockers.

"Cya later Mak!"

Ally & Maddie both say at the same time and leave the cafeteria.


I start walking slow through the hallways to go to my next class..

Suddenly someone grabs me and pins me to the closest locker...

His face was so close to me..almost touching my lips.

"Hey beautiful" says Brian.

"Omg Brian! really you don't have to pin me down on lockers all the time!" I giggle and smile wide.

He makes me laugh and smile that no other guy has probably can or even tried.

I mean damn.. I barely even smile these days?

They all were jerks... Hopefully Brian won't be one...

"Well it's kinda sexy, you know"
he winks.

"Yeah whateverr" I stick my tongue out at him.

It seems like he really likes me though, because the way he acts really gives me the feels but what if...?

Brian suddenly touches my lips with his... sending chills all over my body.

No.... I can't forget that I play with love anyway...

I kiss him back and we kept smooching until some random teacher comes and gives us a long ass lecture about that & how we could get detention and sent us both to our different classes.

Authors Note: Well I hope you enjoyed my first chapter! Vote and comment. I'll also be writing my next chap soon and don't forget to read my other book! "Betrayed", you'll love it! ~bye

Teenage loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin