Chapter 5 ∞ Suspicious

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Brian's POV -

"Hmm Makayla kinda started acting weird these days"
I say, starting a conversation.

"I don't see any difference, she acts the same"

Jack replies... eating his pasta.

"Yeah I know but I don't know she's trying to ignore me or she's kind of hiding something" I say

"I don't know man, you got yourself into this"

Jack kept eating and acting as if he doesn't even fucking care!

Anger flushes in me but I quickly recover.

"There's one more thing Jack. Yesterday I heard the girls talking about this fucking guy name Matt! Who is he?! And how dare he talked to my girl! She's mine! The way she was talking about him was... Fuck!"

I quickly punch the wall behind me to ease down my anger.
I see some eyes on me.. but I don't care!

"Oh him.. He's this new guy in my science class, Matthew Woodson" Jack says.

"He was kinda flirting with her... he sits right behind her" Jack continues...

"Wait what?! I'm gonna beat the shit outta that guy! So that he doesn't even dare to touch Mak!"

My head feels dizzy from all the shouting.
I love her... She can't fucking like that guy!

"She better not know about you and Victoria though" Jack warns.

My face starts to get soft and guiltiness takes over me..

"I feel like she already does... cause yesterday she was asking me if anything's going on between me and Victoria" I say nervously.. looking down at my shoes.

"Shit Sherlock.. what have you done! Makayla is very dangerous dude... I've dated her before.. she's actually pretty cool and nice but when you get to her demon part... Then damn.. you'll regret you were even born!" Jack cowardly says.

"Dumbass, you're too scared of her, she's just a girl c'mon what harm can she cause anyways?" I say.

"Nothing... I gotta go I'll meet ya later"

Jack quickly takes his lunch and goes somewhere else.

I see Makayla coming towards me.

"Oh... Well here it goes" I murmur to myself.

"Makayla's POV"

"Hey Brian the Snail" I smile and giggle.

"Don't call me that" he pouts and gives me a smooth kiss.

"Remember the kid show you loved watching.... The magic roundabouts.."

"Don't even get started! I hated that kid show.."
"Specially the snail."
He makes this sour face, making me laugh.

"Sure sure suit yourself and oh don't forget to add Brian the snail"

Now I can't stop.

I start cracking up real hard that tears start forming in my eyes.

"Don't ever call me that! Why do you think I hated the snail"
He laughs along with me now.

"You're sooo harshhh"

I laugh at his remark.

"Okay Brain"

Brain is always this typo that happens with his name Brian.

Brian brain.

"Not that either!" He grabs me around and pulls me down on his lap.

"Hahah Brian! Staphhh"

We kept laughing and chatting like some crazy couples...

I really love him...
Maybe I should stop the "I play with love" and all..

I'm already falling for him so hard myself.

I just don't wanna repeat any mistakes I've done in the past.

Suddenly out of nowhere this slut comes in the middle and interferes..

"Briannnn what's up" she smirks.

She can't just be all rhythmic and add the nnnns at the end of his name ?
Who even approved her to even call him Briannnn and not Brian.

This typical teenage jealousy is getting me now.

"Oh.. Hi Victoria.. Haha"

Brian seemed more nervous now.

"What the fuck is going on...", I question in confusion.

I get off Brian's lap.

"Oh your girlfriend's here never mind"

Victoria said and was about to walk away.

"No, whatever you have to say.. Say it in front of me"

I give her a sarcastic smile.

Brian was sweating now.

"Oh I was wondering if Brian would come to my house tomorrow...that day it was actually fun"

She fucking smirks and winks at Brian.

"Wait what..." I ask shocked and confused.

"W-What no! W-when did I come to your house? I never did"

Brian stammers.

"But i perfectly remember you did.. that da-"

Victoria was about to finish when suddenly the bell rings...
Signaling that lunch is over.

Everyone starts rushing out the cafeteria.

"She's lying! And Oh there goes the bell! I'll see ya later girls! Bye!"

Brian talks in a rush and hurries out the cafeteria as well with the crowd.

"Brian WAIT!"

I shout behind him...
He doesn't stop.

"Oh well I'm out of here"
Victoria says.

I quickly rush up and roughly grab her wrist.

"You little prick! Tell me what did you mean by he was in your house!" I say angrily.

"None of your business!"

Victoria shouts back at me and roughly shoves my hand off and starts walking away.

I just stood there, trying to get my brain working on what just happened...

My eyes get watery...
I just kept standing in the cafeteria like an idiot.

But I can't cry! Why would I?... I've gone through so many drama like these and I know that so many boys have been jerks to me... Why am I so upset about Brian then?

Did I really think he would be different..? And that he'll actually love me and never leave my side and always be there when I need him the most?

My face turns all depressing and I walk out of the cafeteria like nothing just happened...


Author's Note: I feel so bad for Makayla though! Btw comment and vote and if you have any ideas about what I should write on my next chaps, then hit me a text on wattpad. Cya ~

Teenage loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin