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     Hello, and welcome to ClicheClan! I am Noblestar, the leader of our wonderful Clan. In here, we follow the warrior code, or we SHOULD. *Glares at HerbWillow and her mate CarelessBoy*

     First things first, let's introduce you to everyone! Here is the list of people and what they look like and all that boring stuff. Hey where's my deputy? He needs to lead patrols.

NobleStar- Very Noble dark orange tabby tom, with green eyes. He is the noble leader.

Stormgaze- Gray tom. He will die later because he really doesn't matter. But a good deputy.

MedicineLeaf- Really grumpy tortoiseshell cat who's blind and grumpy. (Apprentice is HerbWillow)

StrongHeart- He's strong and yellow. Not mean though, because he's too important.

AmbitiousStrike- Dark brown tabby with Amber eyes and is strong. He is super mean.

BrownPelt- um actually he doesn't really matter, just there for patrols.

Spottyfur- she's just a mate. Will change mates every so often.

EvilClaw- white cat that will do anything AmbitiousStrike says because hes evil and doesn't have a backbone to defend his own actions and GET A LIFE IDIOT

Heroneyes- Really great cat. Golden tabby. He's a good mentor.

MarysueSparkle- Beautiful Silver and Purple tabby she cat with soft fur and One blue and One purple eyes. Has magic powerz

AnnoyingKid- Really annoying and should die. Tan.

No apprentices bc why not

SoftHeart- Soft gray tabby queen. Mother of the main character

HoneyQueen- literally pays no attention to her frickin bullys of children and doesn't stop them.

Crystalkit- Brown tabby cat with galaxy eyes and gray splotches

Cloudykit- Gray kit. Her brother. Just a filler tbh :/

Edgekit- Black kit with red hair tips and green eyes. Real edgy and quiet

Vainkit- White kit who thinks she's the best

Clawkit- rude tom

Troublekit- Troublemaking gray kit

Oldface- old guy with a crippled face. "Once there was a cat..." "bAck iN mAi dAY.."

Creakybones- that one elder who's always complaining

Kitlover- old she who likes kits

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