Saiki?... um... I... ~12

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The first thing we did after arriving in Okinawa was go for lunch. We were kept to our trip groups so I was stuck with Teruhashi and Yumehara, I didn't mind Mera's company as she kept to herself and ate mostly. Nendo was more or less being himself but Kaidou was going overboard with his Okinawa dialect that he learned on the bus over. I watched everyone mostly, eating my lunch, and keeping to myself, occasionally sneaking looks around the room. Some of the boys were on stage telling jokes and making the class laugh while we ate. I watched them jump around with goofy grins, laughing at each other as the class laughed. I chuckled slightly at their silliness, then looked back down at the half-eaten bowl of rice in front of me. I placed the bowl down and went to pick up my drink but it was empty.

'I finished it already?' I awe at the empty item.

I closed my eyes, taking a breath, and thinking to myself. This place sure is different from back home, but maybe that's a good thing. I also can't think of a time I was by myself on something like this, no work needing to be done. When I opened my eyes again, there was a hand in my view, holding a flask. I lifted my eyes, seeing the hand belonged to the boy sitting next to me. Saiki. He was watching me, the flask in his hands as he waited for me to answer whether or not I wanted more juice. I gave a very small smile to myself before extending my arm with my cup toward him, he poured more juice into my cup before pouring himself more, then placing the flask down and going back to eating. I paused like that for a second, smiling a little wider before bringing my cup to my lips, taking a sip, and closing my eyes happily.

After that, we had a bit of free time, seen as no one wanted to head to the hotel right away, most of the groups took this opportunity to walk around shops and pick up souvenirs. I sound very uninterested, but in truth, I'm dying to get something for myself that I can wave around in Kai's face later. I'm not exactly sure what that is yet but I'm sure I'll know it when I see it... or something. So we exited the restaurant, the other girls in our group getting the same idea about souvenirs while Kaidou saw a shop that held a sign saying something about watching a Cobra vs Mongoose deathmatch.

'Ha! Yeah right, like I'm going to watch that,' I look at the sketchy shop nervously.

"Sounds scary, yeah, let's go look at souvenirs," The girls said before running off.

"Yeah um... no thanks, see you boys later," I say turning to head with the other girls but see Mera munching down on free pineapple samples like there is no tomorrow and boys crowding around Teruhashi.

'Ummm, I'll just...' I think to myself before turning and heading toward the other shops.

'Now... something useful, yet beautiful that I can wave in Kai's face...' I think looking around the shops.

I stopped at one of the stalls to look at T-shirts, hoodies, and jackets that might suit me, most were the cliche things tourists would want, like the Okinawa Island on a shirt, or an Okinawa quote, some smug saying and so on, but that wasn't at all what I was after. I turned around to head to the next stall but paused when I saw a familiar head of bright pink hair standing at the stall already. I looked back down the market way at the shop of the Cobra and mongoose match but I guess he didn't go with the other boys. I closed my eyes, holding my breath before opening my eyes and standing straight, letting out the breath and heading to the stall, stopping next to him but looking at the other corner of the shop to make it seem like I was interested in the bags hanging there and didn't see him here.

'Ok, so handbags, clutch bags, tiny backpacks... Saiki...' I turned my head slowly, snapping my eyes down at his hand next to his body before raising my eyes to look into his.

"You, you didn't go with Nendo and Kaidou?" I looked at him.

He shook his head.

"Souveniers more interesting?" I smile slightly as a joke.

He just stared at me before turning and beginning to walk to the next stall.

'Great, nice going Y/n,' I whack myself in the forehead before following after him.

"So, um... is there anything specific you're looking for while in Okinawa?" I ask casually, looking at the bathing suits the next stall sold.

Saiki didn't say anything but he did tap me on the shoulder to make me look at him. When I did, he was looking at something on the stall but was handing me a magazine. I looked at it before taking it and opening it to the folded in page, he obviously marked it to ensure he could find it again. Inside were a bunch of ads, each for something different so I didn't know exactly what I was looking for till my eyes caught the ad for a limited edition kind of coffee jelly they made and sold here in Okinawa.

"Oh, the Red bean coffee Anmitsu, yeah I remember, they only make like 6 a day right?" I read before looking at him.

(Addition of our reader means I have to compensate, so 6 coffee thingys not 5)

Saiki nodded pulling back his magazine to look at the picture.

"They're the best, so bitterly sweet and creamy," I hum to myself, running my tongue over the top palate of my mouth.

Saiki's head snapped back to me and he had wide eyes and an open mouth.

"What?" I blushed profoundly.

"Y~you've never... had one before...?" I chuckled to myself, shrinking back slightly at Saiki's intense stare.

"My~my dad stocks them for me because he knows I love them," I fiddle with my hands and cast my eyes down at my shoes, trying to hide my blush.

"You get them at home?" WHAT!?

"Huh?" I stared at Saiki, HE JUST SPOKE TO ME!

"Where does your father get them?" He asked softly, almost so noone else would know he spoke.

"He has them specially made, some Okinawa cook he has I think." I look up at him.

He nodded, looking down before back at the stall next to us.

"Saiki... um... I..., if you don't manage to~ to get any of that jelly on this trip," I stammered, trying to look anywhere but the eyes of the boy in front of me.

"Well, if... if you ever want any, at home... you know, you can always ask me, for one," I say looking up at my crush through my eyelashes and my bangs hanging over my face.

Saiki stood there, looking at me with a not surprised look, but not a neutral one either, something in between. I swallowed looking down again as I prepared for a rejection, his face scared me slightly.

"I'll keep that in mind," Saiki answered.

My head snapped up to look at him for the hundredth time that conversation, and I could feel a sparkle in my eyes flicker as Saiki gave me a small smile.

"Thank you..." He said before turning and walking away.

He... he spoke to me... to... ME! AWWWW YEAH!

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