My Life Changes

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Three days,yes,even this morning I had promised myself that if today also those mad things kept on coming after me,which only I could see and no one else did, I will stop running away and face them even if that meant suicide. I know what you will say,"You must be hallucinating." Okay words accepted, but I dont think I can hallucinate the stench those things give out.

I am Ariana Castar by the way,I am fourteen and I ran away from home.Now, I know what you would say about this as well, "That's so irresponsible of your parents to let you run away like that." But my parents dont really care, both of them are teachers and as long as all their expectations are fulfilled, they don't give a damn about what I do.I have seen to that almost always inspite of being an ADHD.Those few times I didn't ,they acted horrible , confiscating every thing I love, my craft items and instruments , my headphones and most importantly my books. Although an ADHD I never had any trouble reading, I just could not sit still for too long a time but reading helped me do that but my parents never understood. Yet, that's not the reason  I ran away, maybe I will tell you someday , its still too painful a subject.

Coming back to the present, today was unnaturally odd as none of those creatures pursued me. They seemed to have forgotten me completely. I saw none of them, absolutely none. I had no idea where I was supposed to go so I wandered purposelessly in the alleys of Manhattan. One such alley changed my life, I would never have believed that an alley can change your life, but this alley obviously did. As I was turning around the corner, I collided with someone and as this person's  face came into proper focus, I saw he was a boy most probably my age or a tad bit older, like me he was also wearing clothes that showed he hadn't actually been enjoying a holiday, but unlike me, he looked scared and tired, ready to faint any moment. I was about to ask him what the matter was but before I could even open my mouth to say it, he said in a frail voice, "I don't know who you are, but those things are following me once again and I think it's not safe for either of us to remain here." saying so, without even waiting for my reply, he dragged me by my hand across the alley, into the darkness...........

A/N:This is a work of pure fiction and none of the identifiable characters belong to me , although the plot belongs to me in its entirety.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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