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Jason Todd and Amiya Kennedy have been inseparable since their freshmen year. The two rebellious teens met in detention, snuck out together and just like that they had become attached at the hip. They would spend hours together at the skate park or at the manor hanging out in Jason's room.

Amiya and Jason fit together like two puzzle pieces. They knew each other like the back of their hands. They knew when the other was upset or how to calm them when they were in a fit of rage. Over the years their friendship had become something more. Friendly smiles and laughs had turned into lingering touches and loving glances. The two kept their feelings from each other until Dick Grayson let it slip to Amiya that Jason was in love with her. A few days later, after building up her confidence she asked her best friend on a date. To her relief Jason said yes (and afterward yelled at his brother for spilling his secret). After a few dates they made things official.

If you were to ask Bruce Wayne at what time was Jason his best and his happiest, he would say when he was with Amiya. Even though the girl got his son into trouble sometimes Bruce liked her. Bruce could see that she made Jason a better person. The boy was more focused on his patrols than ever before and his grades had gone up. Needless to say Bruce was happy that his son was happy.

If you were to ask Athena Kennedy what she thought of her daughter's boyfriend she would give a complicated answer. When Amiya first told her about Bruce Wayne's adoptive son she was skeptical. Her daughter had always been a loner so when the loud troublesome boy came into Amiya's life so suddenly she was concerned to say the least. It was after Athena met Jason did she start to warm up to him. She hadn't seen her daughter this untroubled since her step-father was alive. Athena then started to see her daughter come home with a smile on her face everyday. So, if you were to ask Athena Kennedy what she thought of Jason Todd she would say that he was a good kid but if he hurt her daughter, Game Over.

Unfortunately Amiya and Jason's Relationship didn't even last a year. Like Jason Amiya had a secret that could cost hers and her loved ones lives. Her biological father was a member of the League of Assassins and an al Ghul. She felt horrible about keeping it from him and the guilt became worse after Jason told her that he was Robin. She knew that one day her father would come for her and the last thing she wanted was for Jason to become collateral damage.

On her seventeenth birthday Amiya was abducted in the middle of the night and taken to Nanda Parbat. She didn't even fight back, she knew there would be no use and would only be punished for it later.

She missed her mother, grandmother and even Dick Grayson. She couldn't even think of Jason without tearing up, without thinking about the day before her disappearance and how excited he was about her birthday. So she didn't think of him or any of them. Amiya spent her time training as hard as she could. She focused on becoming her father's right hand.

Two years later she is summoned by the Demon's head himself Ra's al Ghul and her already insane life becomes a little more complicated.

𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 ↳ JASON TODDWhere stories live. Discover now