Time off

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Next day at the lynch house

Rydel room

??? &Rydel convo

???:So you want me to come to your house at 3


???:I thought you didn't like me

Rydel:I don't but you and her need to get along

???:Yeah I know I miss her a lot

Rydel:I swear if you hurt her or her kids or him then I'm killing you

???:I changed I swear and it seem like your more of a sister than I am

Rydel:Yeah yeah well see you at 3


Rydel hung up and called laura

Rydel:Hey laura

Laura:Hey girl

Rydel:Do you have any plans today

Laura:No why

Rydel:I can't tell but just come to my house at 3


Laura hung up

At laura and Ross house

Ross:Babe who was that


Ross:What did see say

Laura:She said to go to her house at 3


Laura:Ross do you want me to go because you will have to take care of the twins and Lisa

Ross:I can go to my parents house and they can help me

Laura:Ok well let's start getting ready its almost 3


Ross and laura get ready and than get Lisa and the twins ready when they all was done it was 3 so they got in the car and drove to the Lynch's house

*Knock knock*

Riker:I'll get it

*opens the door *

Riker:Hey guys come inside

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