The play date

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Laura pov:I guess since im out the hospital im going to ask if the twins new friends can come over and so i can get to know them cause if the a bad influence phsss they going home but if they good influence then duh they can stay.

Laura:Hey twins call y'all friends and ask them if they want to come over

Mason:K imma call Matty B

Zoey:And imma call Lyrrical

Laura:Ok make it quick and im going to but some covers and pillows and make some popcorn this is going to be the best day ever for you guys


The twins called lyrrical and Matty B

Laura:So what did theh say

Zoey:Lyrrical said her mom will drop her off in 3 minutes

Mason:And Matty B said he'll be here in....

*Door bell rings *

Mason:Thats probably him

*Opens the door*


*Zoey walks to the door*

Zoey:Hey girl

Lyrrical:Wassup doe

Zoey:Lol let me introduce you to my mom... Mom this is Lyrrical and Lyrrical this is my mom

Laura:Nice to meet you Lyrrical

Lyrrical:Nice to meet you too

Zoey:Ok lets go to my room or do you want to meet my sister

Lyrrical:I guess we can meet your sister then we can go to your room


*Knock knock*

Lisa:Come in

Zoey:Hey lisa i just wanted to say this Lyrrical

Lyrrical :Hi

Lisa:Hi but y'all have to go because i have a appointment to go to

Zoey:K goodbye

Zoey and Lyrrical leave and they go to Zoey room

Zoey:So what do you want.....


Lyrrical:Who is that

Zoey:The one who yelled it was my stupid bother and matty is my crush

Lyrrical:Awww zoey woey have a crush and girl your bother is not stupid he is fine

Zoey:Ewwww but whatever come on

Lyrrical and Zoey went downstairs

Matty B:Wassup zoe

Zoey:H-hi matty (blushes)

Matty:Who is that (talking bout Lyrrical)

Zoey:This is my friend Lyrrical

Matty:Oh wudup


Laura:Well since yall talking imma be in my room probably sleep

Mason:K bye ma

Laura left

Lyrrical:Im sorry but Matty Zoey have a huge crush on you

Zoey:Ok since you told him Mason Lyrrical have a crush on you too

Matty:Wait zoe you have a crush on me


Matty:Thats crazy because i have a crush on you too


Mason:So Lyrrical you like me

Lyrrical:Yeah i mean i just met you but you real cute

Mason:Thanks maybe we should talk more because you cute too

Matty:Soo umm Zoe you want to be my girlfriend

Zoey:OMG yes i would love too (she kisses his cheek)

Matty:Wow i can't wait till we get older

Lisa comes in

Lisa:Hi y'all


Mason:I bet you happy


Mason:Because tomorrow your birthday

Lisa:Oh yeah it's really nothing though but I'll talk to you guya in the morning because im tired.


Lyrrical:Im tired too

Zoey:Yeah me too

Mason:Well lets make a tent with our covers and pillows then we can lay inside


They make the little tent and go to sleep.

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