new life

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"No! It's too dangerous! Don't go in there please.." I heard a distant voice speak out to me, it belonged to a boy about my age, begging me to stop running. I ran into the black cave as the voice played over in my head. I didn't want to, my legs took me as if they had a mind of their own. As if I needed to see what was in there. That voice.. sounded so familiar. Who did it belong to? Why was he so worried? Questions running over and over in my head, I wasn't paying attention as I ran into something. I was too scared to look up, I could feel its evil eyes staring at me, staring through me. It could sense my fear, it was feeding off of it. I felt myself getting weaker. I looked up to see the face I ever so did not want to see. I have no idea what it is. Its eyes are black all over, like a demon, the body of a man. The face was blank except the big pitch black eyes staring at me. He had on no shirt, he had on some wierd pants that look like they were made out of black fur, and he had giant, black, raggety wings. The horrifying creature grabbed me by my hair and pulled me to the back of the cave where he spoke some odd language I couldn't understand a word of it. "Hic est Dominus". Latin? Greek? He sprinted away to get a head start, I saw him fly away in the little bit of light comin from the entrance of the cave, the stars shown in barely any light in the midnight blue sky. I heard a loud breath behind me, this was the end. This was it.

I screamed in terror as I woke up from the horrible nightmare.. I've been having a lot of those lately.. I shut my alarm clock off as I hopped off the blankets and pillows that layed on the empty ground. I got up and folded them to put them away in their boxes. Today's the big day, mom and I are moving out of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to Ocean City, Maryland. Harrisburg isn't the best city in the world, and I wouldn't give Pennsylvania the world's greatest state award. It's boring and nothing exciting happens until you hear gunshots outside your window, but that's not the good type of excitement. I don't have many friends, and the ones I do have, I already said my goodbyes. Yeah, the crying, the "I'll visit you soon". It all already happened. The reason we're moving is because my used-to-be-single mother surprised me with the fact that she is now engaged to some strange man named Vincent Golgino, some rich Italian probably. She told me he is rich which doesn't surprise me after seeing him only once. He wears a lot of gold jewelry so, yeah, like one of those Italians. Like he's in a mafia or something. I got up and put a simple outfit on, dark blue skinny jeans, a tight black shirt, and black sneakers. I threw my dyed cherry coke red hair in a cute messy bun leaving my full bangs out. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth.

We have to get a big truck to pack just our clothes in because this guy's house is huge and we basically have everything we need in there. It was about a 4-hour drive before actually arriving to the house. 4 hours of nothing but music while my mom was on the phone with him the whole time. Wait! Maybe now's a good time to tell you a little about myself.

My name is Angel Noelle Delgado, I'm 15 years old and I have this thing for music. I'm mildly popular at, what is now, my old school. I said in the beginning I don't have a lot of friends because I dont trust hardly anybody. I keep to myself, but I do admit I have a bit of an attitude problem and temperament issues. When it comes to boys, I want no part of it. No I'm not gay. I have no problem with it, I'm just not. I don't believe in love. It's not rational. Ofcourse I love my mom and family, but that's different. I'm talking more on the lines of being "in love" or "true love" or "love at first sight" etc.. yeah, you get it. Sure I like romantic books, and almost every song is about loving someone or losing someone you were "in love" with, other than that it's sex and drugs. I listen to different genres of music, basically anything with good beats and lyrics. Music helps me get my mind off of everything wrong in life. Like war, hatred, lies, suffering, and torture. It's ridiculous.. why can't people stop acting like fools? Then wonder why they suffer in Hell for it. Breaks my heart.

My mom's name is Jizell Arie Delgado. Deadbeat - dad tricked my mom into having sex with him at 15 by making her think he loved her. While she wasn't looking, he took the protection off. 9 months later, came me. Her biggest mistake, and only reason to live. As what she always says to me. The mistake was believing that a 17 year old 'player' would actually "love" her. There's that word again. Ugh. Well, we're here anyways.

I hopped out of the car and gaped at the beautiful house. Scratch that, mansion! I walked in noticing the humongous crystal chandelier glistening, making the whole living room light up. The deep red colored, two piece couch matched the color of the trim running across the walls. A pure white carpet lay snug along the floor. And the 90-inch flatscreen sat upon a stone face fireplace. I walked up the curved staircase until I reached the top. When I finally did I ran into the man I'd seen before in the pictures.

He chuckled at me and said, "Well, you must be Angel!" I nodded my head. "It's very nice to meet you!" He held his hand out and I shook it politely, it had a big golden ring on it with one big diamond surrounded by small ones in it. I saw my mom come up the stairs dramatically slow, not taking her eyes off of Vincent. I noticed him not taking his eyes off her.

It was like a scene in a movie.

She finally got to the top of the steps and hugged him, he then kissed her with passion.

That's my cue to leave.

As I walk around, I notice a door with my name on it. Duh, I'm going in. It was amazing, the room was huge, and I couldn't believe it was mine. Everything in it almost is white, the circular bed has teal blue sheets on it, the circular chandelier has teal blue, black and black crystals coming out, the shelves are all different colors and my desk and chair are both black. All my clothes are already put away... wow, cool. I'm so tired. I'm just going to sleep for the rest of the day, I have school tomorrow.


Did I mention, the school I'm going to has almost all snobby people, as well as the neighborhood I'm in. I have nothing against them at all, trust me. But I just dont know if they'll have anything against me.


Hi! So, I'm Daphne and this is my very first story on Wattpad. I am half of my writing duo (Briana) and I would appreciate if I got votes or comments! If you hate it or like it, please feel free to tell me! Thank you and goodbye!

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