am i crushing?!

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"456" I think outloud. I found my locker and opened it with my combination, 45, 7, 12. I put my coat in it. It's easier carrying the bookbag with everything already in it. Ok. 1st period, music. Room 176. I asked the teacher from before and he explained I have to go downstairs, turn left, and it'll be in that hallway. I did so. It was too, I walked in the classroom and my skin suddenly felt like there was someone lightly rubbing their hand up and down on it, it kind of felt good, like someone was massaging me, my head started spinning..I ignored it and asked Mr. Good where I sit.

"Umm..-" he looked over the room until finally he said, "-Mr. Sebastian will be your permanent partner now, go take a seat by him. He's been buddyless for quite a while now.." I looked around the room and my eyes landed on someone I couldnt take them off. He was perfect. Not someone I would think I ever ended up with.. actually I never expected myself to end up with anyone. His dark messy hair, slightly tanned complection,- and his freaking eyes! Emerald green, like nothing I've seen before. My brain started spinning, my skin started feeling that sensation again, just more intense.

"Sebastian!" Mr. Good called out. His head jerked up and looked directly at me. We made eye contact. The weirdest part was.. that he had a look on his face that made it seem like he knew me. His eyes wide and his jaw tensing up, I broke the stare by looking out the door pretending like I saw something. "Angel will be sitting with you." Mr. Good got quiet. "He's only been here since last week.. He's got quite an attitude on him." Great. Just what I need. I walked over and plopped down into the chair next to him. The sensations grew stronger and I could feel it burning. It felt so real I rubbed my arms and nothing happened,  it stayed burning. I glimpsed at him and he just sat there.. drawing something on a paper. I kind of leaned in a little to see what it was. A very impressive picture of an angel, but I couldn't make out the face. I think he noticed me snooping because he slid it under his chair. I didn't say a word the whole time, I sat there and listened to Mr. Good talk about different genres of music and how they can sound interesting when combined, but I could hardly focus with all these sensations of burning tickles on my skin, it was starting to hurt. Sebastian finally broke the silence between us.

"So where are you from?" His voice sounded so familiar. It was real cute though. It made my head spin like a mary-go-round.

"Don't worry about it." I only got smart because I didn't want to be too nice because then he'll know I kinda like him, right?

"Ok then, sorry for trynna be nice." His voice sounded irritated.

"Harrisurg, Pennsylvania. " I sighed and kept my voice low.


"Where you from?" I asked keeping my head turned so I didn't make eye contact. I knew my face would be noticeable, it's already hot like a stove.

"No where." His voice stayed stern. It's bothering me how familiar the voice is. Wait.. no where?

"Oh. Seems trill." I kept my voice the same way. He's just looking at me.. I know he is I could feel it. I look over, my face is red as a cherry I don't care.. I couldn't help it. I raised my hand to ask to go to the bathroom.

"Do you know how to get there?" Mr. Good asked. I said, "No.."

"I'll show her the way." Sebastian's voice stuck out.

"Very well then, go along."

Sebastian got up and walked out the door, I followed behind. I went in the opposite direction.

"Um, it's this way" he said in a you're dumb voice.

"Um, I don't care." I said mocking him. He walked up to me and those sensations went off. 

"Come on, do you have to go or no?" Waiting for an answer.

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes as I followed him, keeping my distance though. I didn't want him to see my redness. He smirked and walked, and I followed. He pointed to the girls bathroom. "There." He said in a low tone that made goosebumps start up my back. "Oh. So you staying here, or going back to class?" I kept my words level in a deepish tone. "I think I'll stick around." He leaned in a little, which made my skin sting now and knees get kind of weak. "Wouldn't want you getting lost or anything. Plus, gives me more time out of class." He explained standing up straight again. "Mhmm." I pressed my lips together and rolled my eyes as I walked into the pink bathroom. I stayed in there just for about 2 minutes. Doing nothing. On my way out I glimpse around to see where he was, there it goes again, my head spinning, skin tickling. "Took you long enough." Sebastian said brushing by me. My eyes squinted and I let out an irritated breath. "Ooo boy, you erk my nerves. " I muttered quietly. I heard him chuckle. It's not funny. We walked back to class and sat down in our seats.

"Ok, does anyone not understand the project?" Mr. Good asked. He came up to us and said, " You two will be working together, here are your papers with the instructions on how to do it. Basically what you have to do is, you right about your favorite genre of music and your partner's favorite genre of music and find a way to collaborate them and make them into something interesting. Fun. We nodded and the bell rang scaring the stuff out me. I walked out and Sebastian followed after me, a little too close for me to handle. "So I'll come to your house at about 3:30." He said it like nothing. As if he already knew where I live. But I just moved here, and apparently so did he. "You don't know where I live, and why my house?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I know that.." he wandered his eyes. "And because, my house isn't in good condition." He explained carelessly. "Just sneak on the bus." I said like a mischievous little eye squint lifting my eyebrows. "Ok." He ran his hand through his perfect messy hair, it returned to its perfectly messy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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