💜Chapter 6

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The next day Kion went for his kingly duties so he didn't had the time to meet up nor with Rani nor with Fuli.

Fuli on the other hand when she woke up stretched her body and went to find Rani and talk to her as she promised.

"Where could she be?" Fuli thought

Fuli went to the Tree to look for her there.

"Hello? Rani? Are you here?" She yelled.

"Nope just me" Baliyo said, walking to the entrance.

"Oh hi Baliyo! Do you know where she is?" Fuli asked.

"I think she'd gone to Pango cave" He said.

"And where is that?"

"See that path? If you go on it, it will lead you straight to there" Baliyo pointed at a path.

"Okay. Thanks Baliyo" Fuli yelled back when she started running.

"You're welcome!" He yelled after her and went back to his cave.

Fuli ran at fast speed to reach the cave as soon as possible.
When she got there she heard voices.

"Did i heard you right you're majesty?" A voice asked shakily.

"Of course you did!" Another voice yelled.

"It's sounds like Rani and...Ullu!
But what are they talking about?" Fuli raised an eyebrow.

She went inside the cave and found Rani and Ullu talking with each other. Ullu seemed very shocked about something and Rani was furious.

"You heard right but you won't tell anybody about this or you'll be in great trouble. Understood?" Rani threatened.

"But you're majesty it isn't right!" Ullu poited out a little scared.

"What isn't right?
The fact that i just wanted to keep Kion here because he has the roar?
That i didn't even love him in any way?That i lied about everything to him?
Yeah maybe but what he don't know can't cause trouble" Rani growled.

Fuli couldn't believe what she just heard.

"What?!" She excailmed in disbelief.

Rani and Ullu turned towards the sound to find Fuli there with a shocked and disgusted look on her face.

"Fuli?! What are you doing here?"
She asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Don't play innocent!" Fuli snapped.

"I would like to know how many did you heard from what i said"
Rani was scared and angry now.

"I heard enough to see what kind of monster you are! How could you do this to Kion?" Fuli yelled furiously.

"I didn't had much of a choice!
If he become king and the roar stay here i can finally rest and the protecting will be much easier! And that's what i wanted" Rani said annoyed.

"So you get what you wanted by ruining his life?" Fuli said, trying to control her tone.

"Ruining? Oh please i made him king! Everybody dreams of it!" Rani snapped.

"Trust me i know him for a really long time and he's happy even if his not king" Fuli scoffed.

"Maybe, but he didn't said no when i proposed this oppotunity to him" Rani smirked.

"He accepted it because he thought that you loved him!" Fuli screamed.

"Well, he still think so..."

"No he's not! He saw how distant you are towards him"

"Oh really?" Rani rolled her eyes.

"I noticed it too but i just let it go.
Until this morning he told me all these things and that you don't want to talk to him about it so i suggested that i talk to you.
Well i was definetly not expecting our conversation to end up like that!" Fuli looked at her disgusted.

"So he talked to you again? I forbid him to do so!" Rani growled.

"You can't forbid something like that! And besides i heard that it wasn't from jealousy and now i'm sure of it, so tell me why?"

"Why should i?" Rani scoffed.

"Because you have no way out!"

Rani tried to escape but Fuli was faster and pinned her down.

"Okay okay but first get off me!" She shouted.

Fuli got off of Rani but blocked the only way to the cave's entrance.

"Better" Rani said while she brushed off the dirt from herself.

"So?" Fuli asked impatiently.

"Okay" Rani said with an annoyed look on her face.

"The guard told me about how you always had some kind of affect on Kion. Like when you came here you were the only one who he listened to. He's too attached to you. With you two being so close could ruin my plans"

Fuli scoffed in anger.

"But why did you made him believe that-" Fuli was cut off.

"When my grandmother...
Rani gulped.
...when she completed her journey in the circle of life i was so scared of being queen.
But right before that i saw that she offered Kion to stay. He was so hesitant and i saw that he didn't want to but was not intended to hurt her with rejection in that moment and state. I knew he wouldn't stay here back then and he confirmed it when after that roar i offered him to stay again. If he wanted to he would immediately said yes but that look on his face told me that he didn't want to. So i came up with a plan. He know i went through a hard time because of my grandmother and he didn't want to hurt me. So i thought that if i confess feelings to him he would stay. And my plan worked out exactly as i wanted. Now everything is perfect" She explained.

Fuli just stood there with shock. First if all it was a really selfish and complecated plan and second she couldn't believe that Rani's capable of such evil thing.

"Are you crazy? You keep him here, away from his family and lie to him about your feeling when you know he has a soulmate out there who really gonna love him and you doing all that for your own good?" Fuli yelled, her eyes boiling with anger.

"Not just for mine! With the roar staying here the Tree is much safer" Rani said.

"I can't believe it! You are a monster!"

"Careful what your saying! I'm still your queen!" Rani tried to intimidate her.

"A queen doesn't act like this!"

"Yes she does!"

"No. It's not true. And you don't deserve to be queen!" Fuli shouted.

"Take it back immediately!" Rani pulled her claws out.

"No and you know what? I'm gonna spread it! We're gonna see what Kion think about it!"

With that Fuli made her way towards the entrance but Rani pinned her down and kept her there.

"Oh no we won't. You know why? First of all he won't believe you. And if he does he will be heartbroken and devastated. Do you really want him to be like that? Or make him angry at you for lying and destroy your friendship?" Rani smirked cockily.

"No! He will believe me! Besides the hard truth is always better than a sweet lie"

Fuli pushed Rani off and started running out of the cave to find Kion.

Wow things got heated! We know what's behind some things! But will Kion believe Fuli or Rani? What will the consequences be? Find out in the next chapter.

Hi guys! I'm really sorry for the late updates but i don't have much time or idea fir writing. But i will try to post a new part as soon as possible. Anyway, i hope you guys like it! Love you all!❤️

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