Chapter 18

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Next Morning....As usual Y/n gets up , goes to shower wears makeup and clothes.

Y/n' s outfit

Y/n' s outfit

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Y/n's makeup

Y/N did her daily routine and went to the university 

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Y/N did her daily routine and went to the university  .

(Time skips she reaches the class .)

Y/n : Hi Jimin . Did you talk to Jungkook  ?
Jimin : Hm . I wanted to punch him for what he did to you . On behalf of Jungkook I am sorry.
Y/n : You don't have to apologize besides it was not on purpose.

(Mrs.Brooklyn enters the class and there was a girl with her . Her outfit , makeup , hair and accessories 👇🏻)

I stared at the girl for a while not liking the vibe that she gave

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I stared at the girl for a while not liking the vibe that she gave . I automatically felt discomfort by her choice of clothing to the university and her dark stare as she ran her eyes around the classroom . Her hair was dyed in a dark shade of red as it cascaded down her back in a high ponytail . She wore a lot of rings and couple piercings in ears .

Jimin : Who is she ? She totally gives me bad girls vibe .
Y/n : Maybe she is a transfer student ?
Mrs.Brooklyn : Goodmorning everyone . I would like you all to meet your new classmate Sophia Mae . Introduce yourself to them .
Sophia : That's right y'all heard my name.  You guys should treat me well if you don't wanna get in trouble . You really don't wanna mess with me . (And she smiled innocently and looked at the teacher )
Nikki : The transfer student looks familiar wait is she's the only daughter of Mae family . She's a spoiled rich ass "princess" as they like to call her .
Dixie : Something's off about her .
Camilla : I heard that she is a bully . 

Introduction to the character Sophia :
Sophia was a 5'3 tall girl whose frame was petite yet elegant making her very famous and wanted by boys . Her hair was like shiny, molten lava, pouring over her shoulders and reaching her mid-back . Her procleian skin gave her the fragile look of a china doll as her eyes glowed an emerald green in the sunlight shining down on her, and when she smiled, her smile was absolutely beautiful but ,  completely contagious . Her eyes almost looked as if it were controlled by a switch one time it would pierce through your soul but the next second it would be filled with fake innocence .
   There were just three things that Sophia knew for certain . First she was dangerous as she had no empathy for human life .
  She was the type to get inside your head and use your weaknesses against you. She was someone who can do psychological and emotional damage to you effortlessly . She thrived on watching others suffer . Second , she never allowed anyone touch her expensive luxury car collection . Third , the spirit of a dragon lived inside her.
   After all she was Sophia Mae the daughter of the most WANTED underworld mafia .

(back to the story ......)

Charli : no wonder she got admission in this university that too half way through  but she looks like a daughter of a bitch .
Mrs.Brooklyn : You can go and sit next to Jungkook , Jimin sit behind Y/n . Jungkook raise your hand .
(Jungkook raises his hand .)
Sophia (in mind ) : PURRFECT . He's so hot , totally my type . Bad boy style . Love it .
(goes and sits next to Jungkook. )

⤷At Break ...
Sophia goes to the cafeteria and orders a Caffè Latte . The girl staff working over there gets a Caffè Latte to Sophia's table . Sophia takes a sip and ....
Sophia (spits the coffee on the staffs dress and shouts ) : Ewwww what kind of coffee is this ? Don't you know how to make a good coffee . It tastes so bad . WHO EVEN HIRED YOU HERE YOU DUMB BITCH ? YOU ARE FIRED  .

Sophia continued insulting the worker and was about to slap that staff but suddenly Y/n holds her hand .

Y/N : Sophia ENOUGH what are you doing ? It's not her fault that you don't like the coffee she made . But she tired her best to make a good one . How can you fire her just like that ? Don't you have any manners ? You are a new student in the university so I am letting you go this time .(leaves Sophia's hand forcefully.)
Sophia : You bitch eww how dare you even touch my hand you filthy little asi- . You dare to stop me ? You DARE TO RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME RIGHT ? I'll give you one advice , WATCH . YOUR . BACK . You'll need it later .

Time skips .....Y/n was walking alone . She was lost in her own thoughts.
Jungkook purposly keeps his leg in the front trying to make Y/n trip over and fall .
Y/N was about to fall but Jimin catches her by her waist .
Jimin : Are you alright ? You seem zoned out .
Y/n : no I am alright. Thanks .
Jimin (holds Jungkooks collar and says ): WHAT THE FU*K IS YOU PROBLEM  ??? You've played enough . Why do you want to hurt Y/n ? Have you lost your mind ? (punches Jungkook as hard as he can Jungkooks lips starts bleeding . Jimin was to kick him but Y/N sees everyone surrounded around them and stops Jimin .)

Y/n : Jimin stop everyone are looking at us .
Jimin : Come Y/n let's go I'll drop you to your home .
Y/n : It's okay . I'll go by myself . Thanks for asking .
Jimin : Ok go safely . Bye . Take care .

Y/n slowly walks and goes but ......

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