Chapter 28

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I woke up with my alarm ringing on the nightstand . I looked out from the window . It had started darkening but not as much . It was still an early evening . The weather suprisingly being very pleasant , I didn't notice that I had already started walking downstairs by the time I realized I was in the garden . As I was drifted into my own world , I was suddenly startled by a loud noise from upstairs . Without another thought I quickly ran upstairs and barged into Taehyung's room . I saw him sweating profusely , mumbling something as he hugged himself tighter , curled up into a ball . The beautiful vase on the nightstand was now scattered all over the floor . I carefully made my way near him as slightly shook him . It looked as if he had a terrible nightmare . I kept trying to wake him up , but it failed . He kept muttering something in his sleep . Suddenly he opened his eyes with a loud gasp , looking around with wide eyes then pulling my arms bringing me into a tight hug . I noticed how tear droplets sat on his eyes ready to spill at any instant , so I let him calm down before asking .

Y/N : It's okay Tae . You're fine . Everything's fine . It was just a nightmare .

My heart broke as tears were rolling down his cheeks .

Taehyung ( breaking the hug ) : P-promise me that you will never leave me .
Y/N : Okay , I promise . Now tell me what happened ?
Taehyung : I had a nightmare after so long . I had them quite often as a kid . In this unfortunately I had lost YOU .
Y/N : Calm down . Nothing wrong is gonna happen . I'm not going anywhere Taehyung . It's alright .
Taehyung :  Yeah , Thanks Y/N .
Y/N : It's starting to get darker . If you are alright , then we can leave . 
Taehyung : I'm fine . Get your stuff and then we will go .
Y/N : okay .

I took all my stuff that I had brought here and went downstairs . Taehyung was already  waiting for me outside . He locked the door . We sat in the car and drove to BTS's mansion .

Time skips.....we reached our destination .

Jimin : Heyyy Y/N . You're back . Where did you both go together ?
Y/N : To his house .
Jimin : Did you enjoy there ?
Y/N : I sure did .
Taehyung : Y/N you had dropped your phone in the car . Here take .
Y/N : thanks .

We went to our rooms and changed . We decided that we would come back to the living room when dinner is ready .

Y/N's pajamas

Y/N's hairstyle

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Y/N's hairstyle

I quickly freshened up and went downstairs to see everyone already gathered at the table

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I quickly freshened up and went downstairs to see everyone already gathered at the table .

Y/N : Hey everyone. What were y'all talking about ?
Jin : Just some random things.
Y/N : oh okay .
Jin : Y/N , do you want to help me ?
Y/N : Ah yes . I'll help you .
Taehyung : I'll help you (he started laughing as he imitated Y/N ) .
Y/N (While hitting Taehyung's arm ) :  Stop imitating me dumbo .
Taehyung : Oh c'mon , Y/N don't you feel tired ? Come and sit with us Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung will serve .
Jin : Yeah , Taehyung is right . You should rest , I heard you had leg pain while practicing dance . How's it , do you need to see a doctor ?
Y/N : No , I'm okay really . I'd like to help you .
Jin : As you wish then , fine come .
Y/N : you pabo go and sit .
Taehyung : I am not pabo .
Y/N : pabo taetae 🐯 .
Taehyung : you .....

Before he could say anything Y/N stuck her tongue out at him while teasing and ran behind Jin oppa to the kitchen.
Jin , Y/N and RM served the food ....

Suga : So why did you both go to Taehyung's home ?
Y/N : He wanted to take me there . We practiced our dance too .
J hope : Jungkook even you had gone to practice with Sophia right ? How did it go ?
Jungkook : It went well .
J hope : Really ? I thought so too . He came back home blushing . Ah you should have seen his face . He looked like a tomato . Yah Kookie , Did you fall for her ?
Jungkook : For whom ?
Jimin : Of course Sophia . Everyone tells that because of Sophia's body figure many boys fall for her easily but are scared to get her .
Jungkook : Oh ? But she isn't my type .
Y/N : Right nobody would want her cause of that bitchy princess attitude . It's like going into a lion's den . She's heartless . I was literally dying everyday when she bullied me .
( I hadn't meant to say that I instantly bit my tongue cause of the slip of tongue .)
J hope : Did something happen ?
Taehyung : wait what ? Y/N you never told me that she bullied you . You should have told me I'd have killed her for troubling you .
Y/N : Hey calm down . It's ok. 
Jin : Ok if everyone is done let's watch a movie .
RM : that's a great idea .
Everyone went to the hall and sat on the couch.

|Rm Jin Suga Jhope V Y/N Jk Jimin  |
They sat something like this 👆🏻

Suga : let's watch a horror movie.
Y/N : WHAT h..ho..horror movie ? At night ?
Taehyung : Are you scared.  Scaredy cat .
Y/N(hit on Taehyung's shoulder) : Says the one who sleeps with a teddy bear at night . So what if I am ?
J hope : let's just watch a normal movie if Y/N is not ok .
Y/N : No no I'm ok with it .
Taehyung : You don't look ok with that . It's a bad idea let's just change .
Y/N : No I am really ok .
Taehyung : As you wish then .
Jungkook : It's alright . Hold my hand if you get scared .
Y/N : thanks .

They started watching THE NUN movie .
Suddenly a horror scene came . Y/N screamt and hugged Jungkook in fear .

Jungkook : Y/N calm down .

Taehyung turned towards the movement next to him but immediately tore his gaze away from the sight .

Y/N : I'm really sorry . It was really scary .
Jungkook : It's okay .

They resumed the movie , some fell asleep half way through one of them being Y/N who had her head on Taehyung's shoulder .

Taehyung : Guys I'll take Y/N to her room . Y'all carry on . Good night  .

Taehyung POV
I carried Y/N carefully to our bed and played her on the bed , tucking her in after making sure to not wake her up . After some time even I fell asleep . It was around 2 am I woken up by Y/N shivering and crying badly like she was having a bad dream . I went to shake her but her quick reflexes were to wrap my arm around her and pull me into a tight hug . She kept saying things like ," don't leave me , She is coming . She will kill me ."  She probably was terrified after watching the movie . I rubbed her back to calm her till she fell asleep followed by me falling asleep .

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A Complicated Love Story  | KIM TAEHYUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now