|| Chapter Eleven ||

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(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open

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(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open. Her lips parted and allowed fresh air to fill her lungs for the first time since she had been wired up to the hospital's medication. She screwed her eyes shut once again as the bright white light stung them. After a moment, she squinted them open once again, trying to adjust.

Voices caught her ears meaning she wasn't alone in the little room; "If you heroes hadn't risked your lives these students wouldn't have made it." The voice was unfamiliar to (Y/N) but she didn't dwell on the oddity. The words brought back the memories of USJ, making her predicament far more sensible. Her mind flared with images of the shrieking beast, Aizawa's shattered bones, and her friends' fearful faces. "You three saved that entire class of kids today."

"You're not seeing the whole picture, Tsugoshi." A much deeper voice interrupted. This one was familiar to (Y/N) and she immediately paired it with All Might. "Those students also risked their lives. They fought just as hard as us."

"Thank you, All Might." Yet another voice came in.

(Y/N) recognised Midoriya's voice. Perplexity took over her mind, confused as to why he would be in the hospital with her.

"I don't think there has ever been a group of first years who experienced a real fight like this so early on in their training. They not only survived, they learned what it means to be a pro. Those villains made a mistake attacking them. This class is strong... And filled with courage, and drive. Mark my words, they'll become great heroes."

(Y/N) felt pride swell in her heart, truly touched. She awkwardly lifted herself from the bed. "Thanks, guys." She hummed with a tired smile.

"Yamasaki?!" Midoriya shrieked, clear panic filling his emerald green eyes as they flickered between her and All Might's deflated form.

"Yes?" She giggled, a little high on all the medication so her confidence was rising high.

"How are you doing, Deary?" Recovery Girl asked, hobbling over to (Y/N) and examining her burns that had healed quite well even if they still stung quite a bit.

"Better, I think," (Y/N) replied with pursed lips. She avoided looking at her wounds. They only made her feel worse.

"You did well out there, Yamasaki." All Might complimented with a weak smile, sitting up straight.

"Thank you..." She shyly responded.

"You are very strong, what you did potentially saved my life."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. "I'm sorry, what?" She gaped.

"If you had not weakened Nomu, I don't know if I would have pulled through." The blonde man explained, never breaking eye contact with the confused girl. "You did incredible hero work, Yamasaki. Only a real hero would have jumped in even with the expense of their own life. I see the same fire in you that I see in Young Midoriya. I thank you for stepping up for your friends."

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