Stuck in a Locker

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Why, of all the people teachers could go after, did it have to be them? And why did it have to be the with of the school: miss Smith?


The whole class of C2 had decided to skip the third period which was biology. What they didn't expect, however, was that their teacher, miss Smith, would come looking for them.

Miss Smith, the witch of the school. Who didn't know her? She was the kind of person that made children cry because of a spelling mistake, and made grown ups fear for their lives.

She always wore black clothing, and had her blonde hair up into a bun that seemed too tight to be comfortable.

Dream and George were sitting in the library, a large room packed to the brim with bookcases to fit in as many books as possible.

They sat to the left of, the only place where there was sitting room between all the dusty old books and carpeted floor.

Miss Smith suddenly came barging in, forcing Dream and George to run and hide behind one of the large bookcases.

They heard her voice shrieking out some order to the sweet old lady who worked as librarian for the school. She turned around, exactly to where they were sitting.

"Ah, yes, Dream and George. They are here right now. Just go the right and you'll see them."

The old lady looked back at them, and nodded.
Miss Smith walked the opposite way of where they were seated.

Dream and George made a sprint for the door.

"COME HERE YOU NASTY LITTLE GOBLINS!" Miss Smith screeched, trying to catch up.

Luckily for them, the witch was still wearing heels, which slowed her down.

By the time Dream had reached his locker, they had already run through multiple hallways. They were panting and slightly shaking from the nerves.

unfortunately, George's locker was even further away, and he had to wait for Dream to be done first.

Too soon, they heard the familiar clicking of heels on the tiled floor.

They realised with a shock: they didn't have anywhere else to go, except for into Dream's locker.

So, in they went, trying to keep as much space as possible, which wasn't a lot, between their bodies.

Their faces were almost touching, and George could feel Dream's breath on his face.

And so they stood there, waiting for miss Smith to reach the end of the hallway, and leave.

But the problem was: She wasn't leaving.

Dream turned his head to look through the slits in the locker, trying to ignore the fact he could smell George's scent, which was surprisingly very sweet feminine.

That's the reason he used to excuse his growing boner.

Finally, miss Smith left the hallway.

Dream reached over to open the door of the locker, when he realised he couldn't. He tried to open the door a few more times to see if the locker wasn't just stuck.

"Uhm, George, we- we have a problem."

"What happened?" George asked, shifter slighly closer to Dream.

"The door is locked..." Dream trailed of, not wanting to think about their current situation.

Especially not his own situation, which was a boner over his male best friend.

Off The Snapmap  (DreamNotFound/GeorgeWasTaken Smut, Includes Other Ships)Where stories live. Discover now