SapNotFound? more like: WAPNotFound

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This is a Sapnap x George smut. If you feel uncomfortable with this ship, rip u ig.

George had finally come to Hogwarts. He had heard a lot about Hogwarts because of his boyfriend, Dream- who had already been going to Hogwarts for four years.

George was jealous, until he himself got his letter. Sadly the letter was late, but he could still experience the last four years.

And that was how he ended up like this, standing in front of more than hundreds of students, anxiously waiting for his name to be called.

After a few more student had been called forward

-two Hufflepuffs, one Gryffindor and one Ravenclaw-

His name was called.

"George Henry Davidson!", mcGonnagal said loudly, turning heads from all around the tables.

George cringed and slowly stepped forward.

The sorting hat was an old and filthy hat. It had rips at all sides and if handled too roughly, could fall apart at any second.

The sorting hat had been sorting students for hundreds of years now, so nobody would doubt it's judgement, no matter how old and ugly it looked.

George sat down on the chair, careful not to embarrass himself with any stupid or weird thoughts.

He felt the weight of the hat on top of his head, and heard it's gravely voice rasp:

"Ah, yes, it's been a while since I've seen one of you. Smart, but so, so clever."

The hat was silent for a few seconds, complentating what house to put George in.

"SLYTHERIN", the hat yelled at last.

From one table an ear shattering applause was heard, from other tables very little to none, however.

George couldn't blame them- lots of dark wizards had come from Slytherin after all.

Lotte walked forward to the happiest table, full of people with smiles on their faces.

Except for one.

A boy, with brunette hair.

Once George is seated, he looks over again, but can't see the boy in his seat.

He looks forward again, but his vision is now blocked by a black shirt with green tie.

He looked up, and was met two brown eyes.

"Hey there", the boy said with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Uhm- Hi", George stuttered back, startled by the sudden change in atmosphere.

"I'm Nick."

The boy, apparently named Nick, leaned forward, slightly into George's personal space.

"I-I'm George."

George was about to ask another question, but was interrupted by Dumbledore announcing his speech.

Nick threw George one last dirty look and sat down aswell.


Finally at potions class, Snape immediately started the lesson. It was about a potion, that when made, would smell like the smeller's soulmate.

George watched as Snape put the some of the ingredients aside, and put them into a cauldron, stirring it and doing some more that George couldn't remember.

George's brain had already turned into mush by the time Snape bottled the potion.

Snape, being himself, decided that to embarrass some students, they had to come to the front of the class to tell everyone what the potion smelled like to them.

Off The Snapmap  (DreamNotFound/GeorgeWasTaken Smut, Includes Other Ships)Where stories live. Discover now