Give me wisdom

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Lord i give you all my insecurities

I give you my worries

I know you guard me,

I know you take care of me,

Do as you said and give me wisdom,

Give me the strength

I need to fight though life,

Help me believe that you

have a great purpose for me

And that you would never leave me

Help me speak your

word to my peers

Give me the confidence to stand up

Give me the courage to speak the truth,

Teach me your ways oh Lord,

May i walk with you,

May nothing that is thrown at me matter,

I don't need anything that is not you Father God,

Guide my steps,

Don't take the trials away,

But make me stronger in you,

May i lean more closer

to you, oh Lord

May I step out of my comfort zone,

May I speak your word

as if I was talkin about my best friend, thank you Lord

Because your all I need,

You already knew me and

Set me apart in my mother's wombs,

Thank you oh Lord,

God almighty

Make me the leader

you want me to be.

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