you listen to a small prayer

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I'm thankful for the family

you have given me.

I'm thankful because you have

answered my smallest prayer.

I'm so glad that you are so Greatful

I'm glad that you show us Mercy

Even when we have nothing

to repay you back with.

You still love us

and you'll never stop

My Prince of Peace show us

And allow us to know you more.

Even when the enemy

attacts through temptation

You still help us to overcome it.

Oh Father God how great you are

That you would hear this

girls heart's desires

to bring her family over,

And you Father God delivering

more than she had even imagine.

Lord God thank you

for bringing my family together,

even though some

are still far away

I know that you will

take care of them.

I'm thankful for

every single one of them.

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