Chapter One

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Chapter One

I hear the stomping of heavy boots walking towards my jail cell.

I sit up in my bed which is far from being anywhere near the term 'comfortable' – and look outside my jail cell as two guards step-foot in front of my cell. I hear the jiggling of keys as one of the guards takes them out of his pocket and unlocks my cell door.

"Time for your court trial." the guard with the thick black beard says to me. The other guard he looked like a real nerd back in school, and most likely still is walked into my cell and came over to me.

"This is it," I whisper to myself.

I make no eye contact with the nerd guard as he puts handcuffs tightly around my wrists. I groan a little at the pain which makes the guard smirk, him clearly being amused at me reacting to the pain. Does he think I'm stupid? I know he made the handcuffs tighter then usual just to give me a little pain. I've been shot in my right arm and stabbed in my left side before; these handcuffs bring little pain compared to other pain I have felt.

"If you're trying to cause pain to me you'll have do a lot better then that." I inform him with a smirk.

"C'mon on punk." he hisses as he drags me out of my cell.

My smirk only grows knowing that I have pissed him off and the fact that these two dumbass guards have no idea what is about to happen. They have no idea...

"What's so amusing to you?" the guard with the thick beard hisses at me.

"Nothing." I reply.

"Then wipe that smirk off your face."

"Or what?" I ask as I stop walking, making the guard who had a hold of my arms bump into my side.

He doesn't know how to reply back. That's because I know, and he knows damn well himself, that he won't do anything about it.

"Keep walking." he shouts in my face and pushes me forwards.

I take in a deep breath as I start walking again. It was taking everything in me to not go ahead and punch these guard's lights out, but that would ruin my plan and this is the only chance I have at escaping this hell hole known as jail. I've only been in here for two days and I'm not planning on staying any longer.

I just have to wait until we turn this corner...

As we turn the corner I carefully move the handcuff key that I hold in my left handaround in my hand, moving it in my hand to where I will be able to unlock the handcuffs.

One of these dumb ass guards had dropped their handcuff key the first day I was put in my jail cell. He had got a call for some backup and as he ran by my cell the key had somehow fell out of his pocket and right in front of my cell door. At first, I had no idea it was a key to unlock the handcuffs. But after I had struggled for many minutes to grab the key, it being farther away then my arm could reach, I was finally able to grab it and pull it into my cell. Seeing it was a key to the handcuffs and I would be going to my court trial in the next two days, my plan was quickly developed.

Without having one of the guards notice what I'm doing if they notice, my chances of escaping are little to none I try to find the keyhole. I hit the key in multiple spots until I finally get the key in the keyhole. I turn the key and I hear the click of the handcuffs being unlocked and feel the right handcuff become undone.

"What the hell?" one of the guards say, finally noticing what I've done.

I quickly release my hand from out of the handcuff then my fist collides with the guards jaw sending him to the floor. The second guard tries to grab a hold of me but I send a sharp punch to his gut making him double over before I kneed him in the side. He fell onto his side, groaning in pain.

"I need back up!" I hear the first guard I took out talk into his radio.

I went over to him and sent a punch right to his nose. I heard a crack which indicated I had broken his nose. While he groaned in pain over his nose I took this opportunity to grab his gun from his belt. After making sure it had bullets in it I put it in my pocket.

This will come in handy.

I unlock the left handcuff and let it drop from my wrist to the floor. God, those things hurt. I double check to make sure both guards are down before I make my way to find an exit out of this hell hole.

I come to a corner and I hide behind it as two guards walk out from the other side and walk in the opposite direction from me. I sigh in relief. I turn my head and look around the corner to see a door down at the end of the hallway that had a huge 'exit' sign hung over top of it.

There's my escape door.

I check to see if there are any guards near by and there are none in sight. I take in a deep breath before I run out from behind the corner and head towards the door.

"Stop him!" I hear someone yell from behind me. I look over my shoulder and see one of the guards I had just taken out a few moments ago.

I turn back around to see where I'm going when I see three guards coming my way. I quickly pull out the gun that I had stole from one of the guards and aim it at the guards in front of me. They all stop dead in their tracks and pull out their guns. But I pull the trigger and the first shot hits one of the guards in his left arm. One of the guards fires his gun at me and just misses me as the bullet flies by me. I fire my gun again and hit the guard in his leg, sending him to the ground.

There was only one guard left that was stopping me from escaping this joint.

I load my gun again just as the guard fires a couple rounds of bullets toward me. I was lucky enough to dodge a few of the shots but one ends up hitting me in my left shoulder. I fall to the floor and grab my shoulder.

"Fuck!" I groan.

"Drop the gun!" the guard orders as he slowly closes the gap between us, his gun pointed at me.

"Just because you shot me doesn't mean I'm done." I reply and pull the trigger on my gun.

The bullet hits the guard right in his chest. He stumbles backwards dropping his gun to the floor – before he falls to his knees then to the floor. I stand up as I hold my shoulder. I look at the dead guard in front of me, watching as a puddle of blood is starting to surround his body.

"Call for backup! Now!" I hear a guard from behind me say.

I snap my head around and see that the guard is running my way. I don't want to waste anymore of my bullets so I run towards the door.

"Jason McCann has escaped!" Are the last words I hear before I run out of the building.


~ Author's Notes ~


What do you guys think is going to happen next?

(P.S. – please make sure you vote for this chapter and leave your thoughts/opinions/comments for me! love you guys xoxo)

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