Nor a cat

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Siena was watching me intently while narrowing her eyes slightly, from across her bedroom, the big and soft bed stood between us, I stared back keeping my gaze unwavering.

I was not backing down, I love Siena, but if she thinks I'll go back to Krano's even if just for dinner, she's wrong.

He's been mad ever since I bit him, I can't blame him really I would be too if someone crunched down on my finger, but the reason I did so was understandable.

"He'll make me stay on the dog bed!" I exclaimed finally, her lips twitching as she tried not to smile, I examined her perfect face, my own having a pimple or two that I need to deal with, though Siena has been telling me to stop scratching at them.

"You humans and your strange barking, why don't you stay outside if you get bored? Fickle can come over sometime to hang out if you behave" convinced Siena, I huffed and turned away, crossing my arms.

I'm not very good with socialising but it's nice to have a friend and Troy is super laid back and friendly. If I didn't have to be on the level of a dog, I'd probably go over to his place and do proper human things, like watch movies and play video games.

She moved to grab her handbag, the leather a creamy colour which suited her black and white dress nicely, she wore black high heels and let her hair flow.

She frowned at my hair, she'd so meticulously groomed it just for me to mess it up, I felt bad about doing it now, she loves to keep up appearances yet she's never been angry about me being messy.

I moved up to her and held out my hand, she gave me a confused look and slowly held it, I nodded happily and led her back to her dresser.

"I won't mess it up this time" I informed her, knowing that I wouldn't be acknowledged, she let out a pleasant-sounding giggle and fixed up my hair, it would never shine or flow as elegantly as hers, yet she loves it.

She loves me.

She attached the leash to my collar and tapped my nose, crouching down to examine my face, a smile twitching perfectly on her lips.

We left her house and began walking, the birds sang loudly as a bird beast sang along, trying to impress a tall pixie woman, her elegant wings fluttering in the breeze.

It was a pleasant day, the sun shone brightly on my head and back. Yet despite how nice it made me feel, it could never make me shine like it does to Sienna, it made people turn around and look.

I once heard someone comment about me being not good enough for her, Sienna got in that person's face despite her never before reacting to people's comments.

I think it's a poodle mentality where you see a gorgeous dog breed with a gorgeous person and it looks right, yet you see a scruffy and average-looking dog and it looks odd.

Pretty people should have pretty things or something like that, at least even Krano says we're a good match, not that I'm going to be living this life forever with her.

We made it to Krano's house and it was Ian who opened the door, a huge smile on his face, I gave a shy one in return.

"Siena! It's been ages! I was beginning to think you vanished" joked Ian, Siena rolled her eyes and stroked my head softly, her clawed fingers felt pleasant against the sensitive skin on my head.

"It's been a month, quit being dramatic or else I may well vanish" she told him, a playful look on her face.

"Siena, oh my, you look stunning as always, I see you brought Kiba" greeted Krano, he didn't seem annoyed like I had thought he'd be.

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