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Nikolai's POV

I feel the shock ripple up my arm as my fist connects with the bag. Sweat drips down my forehead into my eyes, and my breath comes sharp and ragged as I pound away my anger and frustration. I ignore the clicking of the door as it opens and shuts.

'Sergeant Fraiser, you're required in Head Office immediately.' I was tempted to ignore the cadet standing just inside the doorway, but decide against it when I realise that by doing that, the girl would get he punishment for it. Sighing I nod at her, dismissing her as I grab a towel and wrap it around my neck. I take a quick shower before getting back into my uniform and heading to commune with The Beast. Also known as my Mother. I walk through the base, receiving nods and salutes as I make my way to the top floor. Each level consists of reinforced glass that allows plenty of natural light in, while protecting those inside from loud sound and explosions. A desk with my Mothers secretary is outside the office doors and I flash the young woman a charming smile.

'Carmen, how's it been?'

She practically melts at the sound of my voice, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she replies in a fluster, 'It's been fine, a little slow. Yours?'

'Not bad, I've been training new recruits all morning. Now, do mind buzzing me in? The Beast wants a word.'

She giggles nervously, her eyes darting with worry, 'You shouldn't call her that, she's your Mother.'

'Exactly why I call her that.' I reply tapping her desk by the button and she presses it with a smile, letting my Mother know I was there. I wait outside the big double doors for permission to go inside, clenching and unclenching my hands as she kept me waiting longer and longer. Finally I'm allowed in and I stride through the cherrywood doors, my eyes locking on to the woman sitting before a large black desk. Her blonde hair is severely pulled back in a tight bun, glasses are perched on her tanned nose and her dark green fitted uniform contrasts starkly with the multitude of badges on her jacket glinting in the afternoon light.

'Nikolai, I assume this morning recruit training was successful.'

Straight to the point, that was my Mother.

'Yes, I've already flicked off the dregs, there's plenty of potential in the remainders.'

'Good,' She replies with a nod. 'Now, did you read the email from the office in Orlando?' I nod, uncertain where she was going with this. I'd briefly flicked my eyes over the contents of the email, which basically asked for a volunteer to take a group of high school health students for a regular fitness class. I had better things to do than deal with lazy brats who only took the class to get out of doing physical work, so I hadn't given the email any more thought. 'Good, because I'm sending you over there in three days, that should be enough time to pack and find a replacement to train the recruits.'

'What?' I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my Mother was sending me to Orlando to do a fitness program with high school students?

'You heard me, you'll be taking up this new position in Orlando, it's only for four and a half months.'

'I-I'm needed here though, I'll be of much more use-'

'But you aren't needed here, Sergeant Fraiser, we'll cope fine without you.'

'I...no. No I will not be going to Orlando,' I growl in anger, glowering at her.

'It wasn't a request.'

'You have no right to do that!' I explode, angered further by her lack of emotion.

'Oh but I can, I'm you're boss. I can also relieve you of you're duty indefinitely, and make it extremely hard to find anything else.' The threat from my Mother was not even concealed and with gritted teeth and balled fists I turn a storm out of the room, struggling to hold back the profanities I wanted to spew at her.

'I have not dismissed you.' I halt by the doors, turning slowly while slamming up the mask I use when training. 'Make sure you're ready to leave,' She looks back down at her papers, 'you're dismissed.'

The words barely past her lips before I slam the doors shut behind me, striding past a baffled Carmen.

'I guess that went as expected,' She called out.

'Very much so,' I reply darkly, knowing the only way to relieve any of my anger was to get straight back to the gym. I might even stick that printout of her face of the punching bag again.

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