I. In which she meets him

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Auden's POV:
I never understood what I did to deserve this. The secrecy, the lies, the forbidden ideas. I never understood why my mum and dad had never told me I was his little sister, the one he knew about, but never talked about. The one who he lost, and never came back for, because mum said she was to young. She couldn't handle the fame. He handled it well. He, Luke Hemmings, was my brother. My brother I wasn't allowed to know existed. If I hadn't broken up with Matthew, and ran to that coffee shop I wouldn't know he was related to me in any way, but I did, and if I had the chance to do it again, I would.

"M-Matthew?" I asked, my breath hitching as I saw him lean in to kiss her. Matthew was my boyfriend, and Jenn was my best friend. My mouth dropped and tears formed in my eyes.

"Auden! It's not what you think!" He stuttered.

"It's exactly what I think! You're about to kiss my best friend even though you told me you were working today, and you, Jenn of all people, my best friend, lied and said you were with your mom! I trusted both of you! Oh well, have fun with your damn kissing, and you can do it without me in your life!" I yelled at them. Jenn looked hurt but I didn't care. She hurt me more.

I ran from that stupid park where I'd found them, all the way to Jack's coffee place, this little shop where I knew the owner, and normally it was just me and him. Jack was a really good friend of mine I'd known since forever, and I always went to him when I needed to cry on someone's shoulder, because Jenn was never very sympathetic.

I pushed open the little brown doors, my eyes fighting the crying fit I felt coming. What I didn't expect to see when I walked in to Jack's, was four boys sitting on the couch, dressed as superheroes. Batman and Robin were discussing something very quietly, Captain America was on his phone, and Spiderman, well he had taken notice of me. He sat staring, but because of his mask I couldn't see if there was a smirk underneath. I turned away from the four strangely dressed boys and went to the counter where I found Finn, Jack's employee. He took one look at me, and pointed at the double doors that lead to Jack's little office. Just as I put my hand on the little door, I heard

"A-Auden?" It was a deep Australian voice, which was expected because we were in Melbourne, but I turned. Batman stared back at me, and I cocked my head.
"Sorry, do I know you?"
"You-you don't recognize me?" He asked
"Well, you kinda look like Batman..." I mumbled
He realized his mask was on, and said "Oh! Right!" He pulled it off and I was staring at the one, the only, Luke Hemmings.

"Bloody Hell" I whispered in shock

"Auden" (AN//pronounced Ah-Den) he smiled

"I know who you are, but I'm not so sure how you know me." I trailed off.

His face fell "So you only know me as Luke from 5sos?" He asked. I nodded

"I'm sorry about this in advance." he mumbled

"Sorry?" I asked

"Guys, grab her." he muttered and soon Spider-Man had thrown me over his shoulder, from which I tried my best to hit him as hard as I could on the back as we climbed into a black tour bus parked outside, and as I heard the doors lock, He put me down on a couch. He sat down next to me, and pulled of his spider mask. There was Michael Clifford, sitting next to me. He looked really upset and he smiled sadly
"Sorry bout' that. Truly wouldn't have for anyone but the guys." he told me

I felt like I should be mad at him, but he was Michael Clifford. Michael Freaking Clifford, who I had loved since I heard of their little band. I went to a few of their gigs back when they weren't really a band, just playing for a couple dozen people. They'd never noticed me. Now Michael Clifford was staring right at me, and I was star struck.

"Erm.. um.. yknow.. it's cool.. um yea cool." I mumbled playing with the loads of bracelets on my wrist until Michael took my hand in his, making me look up, shocked

"Luke has a reason for this. Honest. You're safe here." he said, making me melt. I nodded, and he looked down at our connected hands. I could barely move as he moved to sit a bit closer to me. His grey eyes pierced into mine, and their was something in them I couldn't really put my finger on. He smiled and even in my current situation I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey Mike! Cal, Ash and I are going to get pizza. Watch Audie... I mean Auden for us." Luke stated awkwardly. Michael nodded and the other boys left

We sat in the bus and I noticed the boys had left the doors unlocked. I was freaking out and just wanted to go home. So when Mike excused himself to use the toilets, I got up and I ran. I ran to the door and yanked it open. From there I hopped off the bus and ran. I didn't know where I was going, I didn't know where I was, but getting kidnapped by Luke Hemmings wasn't on my To Do list.

I thought I was in the clear as I slowed to a walk. I walked down the sidewalk, not knowing where I was at all. Then just as I relaxed... BAM. I was tackled to the ground. I groaned and squirmed trying to get free, but if hit my head, making it hard to stay conscious, let alone break free. Michael hovered over me, his face angry and out of breath. His eyes drifted to my forehead and his expression went from angry to panicked.

"Oh god. Ohhhhhh God. Auden, Auden stay conscious! Please for me. I'm calling for paramedics. Then I'll call Luke. Hey you're okay, you're okay." he told me pulling my head into his lap. I looked up into his eyes and he looked back down at me

"The paramedics are coming don't worry Auden. Oh I'm so damn sorry. I didn't mean it. honest I just don't think Luke could beat to lose you again." he muttered

I smiled as much as I could and reached out my hand to grab his. He locked his fingers with mine and drew patterns on my skin with his thumb. I sighed as I heard the paramedics pull up, and Michael scream at them. I didn't know why, but Michael made me feel really comfortable and protected. At least after he kidnapped me, he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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