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A/N:It's a little bit insane that this book has 5k reads and 250 votes.

Seungmin's P.O.V

When I woke up that morning, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. When I rolled over I was facing a sleeping angel. For a second I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Hyunjin looked so peaceful when he was asleep, his lips slightly parted, his hair all messy, the light from the window shining on him, his eyelashes resting on his cheeks.

I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures of him like this, planning to set it as my homescreen. I snapped proabably the millionth picture and then Hyunjin smiled, his eyes opening the tiniest bit.

"I guess a photographer's work is never done." Hyunjin murmured, his voice, that was deep from sleeping, sent shivers through my body.

"Not when he has a gorgeous piece of art in front of him." I said and Hyunjin's smile widened. He sat up and then tackled me, pinning me to the bed. "Hyunnniee!" I whined as he tickled me with one hand, his other hand holding both of mine in place.

"You're so pretty." He muttered, placing kisses from my collarbone to my forehead. I'm sure I already looked like a tomato at that point, which only increased as Hyunjin continued his flattery.

"I can't believe I have such an adorable boyfriend." He muttered, nuzzling me with his nose. "And so talented, too. I know that we'll win the contest. We'll be Korea's power couple." He joked, moving down to suck a mark onto my neck.

"Stop!" I gasped out, but Hyunjin didn't listen. A tiny moan slipped past my lips as he made another mark into my sensitive skin. "Hyung!" I whined, trying to get my hands out of his grasp.

"Fine." He said, sitting up and straddling my waist. "I'll let you go, but only because I can smell someone cooking breakfast." He said and then rolled off of me. He landed gracefully with his feet on the wood floor, and offered me his hand.

I took his hand and he helped me up. He pulled me up too fast, probably on purpose, and sent me crashing into his chest. "You just can't stay away from me, can you Minnie?" He teases me and I pushed him, turning red again.

With that, I walked out of his door and down the hall, leaving him laughing after me. The closer I got to the kitchen the more intense the smell of pancakes cooking got. I heard Jeonginnie giggling and hurried to the kitchen, worried he might hurt himself cooking.

When I got into the kitchen I let out a sigh of relief at the sight I was met with. Chan was at the stove wearing a pink apron and flipping pancakes. Jeongin was sat on the counter and poured scoops of batter onto the pan when Chan instructed him to.

"Look Minnie! I'm making breakfast!" Jeongin informed me with a big smile, kicking his feet happily. An equally big smile crept onto my face at his joy, and I was glad Chan made him that happy.

"I see that." I said, my voice laced with amusement. I jumped when I felt two arms sneak around my waist. My head turned to glare at the culprit, but his lips quickly captured mine. My eyes fluttered closed as I kissed him back, his hands spinning me to face him.

I heard Jeongin squeal and Chan just laughed. I blushed and pulled away, having forgot they were there. Shyly, I turned around in Hyunjin's arms, facing the two boys in the kitchen. Chan seemed to communicate with Hyunjin telepathically, while Jeongin made less than subtle gestures at me.

Felix walked out of the guest room he had slept in with a drowsy Changbin shuffling behind him. Felix was, as always, a little ball of sunshine, and Changbin looked about the opposite. Felix happily walked over and accepted a plate of pancakes. He dragged Changbin Hyung to sit at the dining table and started to feed him.

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