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Seungmin's P.O.V

"Thank you." I said quietly to the waitress, Yuna. She gave me my food and then placed Hyunjin's in front of him. "Thank you for buying me lunch." I muttered, not making eye contact with the gorgeous boy seated across from me.

"Of course, Minnie." He said, slurping up some of his noodles and winking at me. I blushed at the noise and visual of the action. He chuckled and used a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"So, when are the entries for the competition due?" Hyunjin asked me, still continuing to eat. I finished chewing the food that was in my moth before answering his question.

"The picture is due at the end of the month and the results will be announced at the end of next month." I explained, eating another bite as Hyunjin nodded.

"So, Minnie..." he began, folding his hands and watching me closely. I cocked my head to the side, urging him to continue. "When do you want do the photoshoot?" He asked me, pulling out his phone and opening up his calendar.

"Umm...I'm not busy at all after work this week." I said, feeling slightly pathetic because of my lack of a social  or professionalism life besides my work.

"Ok, well I'm free all day Saturday, so why don't we meet then. On Friday night we can video chat to pick out an outfit." Hyunjin said and I nodded, feeling a little nervous, as it was my first time arranging something like this, let alone planning everything.

"Um, I had this idea. But the theme won't be released for two more days, so we can call and discuss more details after we find out what we should shoot for." I said, pulling out my phone as well to put the date and time into my calendar.

"That sounds like a good plan Minnie, and I know that you're going to do amazing no matter what the theme is." Hyunjin said, reaching out to boop my nose. I blushed and giggled softly, watching as the pretty boy ate another bite of his food.

"You have something on your face." I said to Hyunjin who just smiled and then proceeded to flirt with me.

"Is it sexiness?" He said, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. My eyes rolled at his overconfidence and I shook my head.

"It's black bean sauce." I said, a small smile playing on my mouth as he attempted to like it off, somewhat resembling a baby.

"Did I get it?" Hyunjin asked, glancing at me with his brows furrowed, still focused on licking the food off his otherwise perfect face. I shook my head and grabbed my napkin, reaching out with it to wipe off the sauce without messing up his makeup.

"There you go. All clean." I said, shooting him an innocent smile and setting the napkin back on the tablecloth covered table. A smirk took over his soft features, making me furrow my eyebrows at his weirdness.

"I don't know, Minnie. My mind is still pretty dirty, especially when it comes to thinking about you." He said, winking and taking another loud slurp of noodles.

I squealed and hid my face in my hands, trying to hide my blushing, but I knew he could see my ears and they felt hot. He chuckled and I felt one of his hands wrap around my wrist carefully, his hands feeling smooth and cool against my flushed skin.

"Don't hide from me, Kim Seungmin. I want to see how flustered I get you." He said, pulling the other hand away as well. I peered up at him through my eyelashes and he sent me a flying kiss from across the table, making me blush and look away.

"I love how I can do all of this without even touching you. Imagine what I could do if I got my hands on you." By now he had leaned over the table and whispered this in my ear. He was so close that his lips brushed my ear like a whisper, sending shivers down my spine, in spite of the layers I was wearing.

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