Chapter 5: The happening

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" And that is the story of the time I called a blue whale..." I said, I've got an interesting past. I saw Chandler walk in the room as soon as I finished the sentence," Care to explain?" He asks me, I pat the spot on the couch," When I was six years old I was obsessed with 'GO DIEGO GO' and I learned a blue whale call, I went to Alaska with my grandparents that year and I saw a blue whale, but I couldn't see it clearly and ended up calling it over." He gave me a weirded out look, but commented on it anyways," Not what I meant, but that was an interesting story anyways." I gave him a confused look," Your ex boyfriend is hear, he wants you back." I nod," Do me a favor, Sam?" I ask him," Depends, what is it?" He answers," I'd ask Chandler, but he has a girlfriend. PRETEND to be my boyfriend?" He looks underly confused," Why?" I sigh," My player ex boyfriend wants me back and is here." He nods," Sure." " Thanks." We get up and go outside the room, I reach for Sam's hand," Hey, Luke..." I say, Luke turns around looks at me. He runs over for a hug, but Sam stops him," No way, buddy." He says all defensive. I give Luke a fake apologetic look," Now, Sam, be polite. He might have just meant that in a friendly way, we don't even know why he's here." I fake scold him," Sorry, baby." I turn and give him a kiss on the cheek," Anyways, so what's up?" I ask Luke," Nothing much, I just came here to see if you still love me and wanted to get back into a relationship." I feel Sam pull me into a couple like hug," Sorry, Luke, but she's taken." I hug back," It's true, I'm in love." I feel Sam kiss the top of my head, I look up and smile at him." I love you too..." I hear Sam say just loud enough for Luke to hear." I'll see you around then...?" I shake my head no," I'm moving to Georgia, I've got an acting gig there." I reply, then I'm yanked from Sam's arms," No, your not. Wether you like it or not, you WILL be mine. I've let you slip from my fingers before, it's not happening again." Luke gripped my arm like a vice, I let out a shriek of pain," Help!" I yell out, Sam tries to fight Luke off. All I know is that I feel something stab my arm, a needle. Then I slowly go limp and slip into blackness...

Chandler's POV

I hear a shriek of pain, yelling, and Tia calling for help. I run into the living room and see Luke dragging an unconscious Trista out of the room with an unconscious Sam sprawled out on the floor. I try and catch Luke, but he gets away. I see him run down an alley. By the time I somewhat catch up to him he climbs into a car with her and drives off. I drop to the ground and cry," I've lost her..." I sob, but make my way back to the hotel. When I get there I lug Sam onto a bed and call Tia's family and the police. I check the time, it's almost 8:30. When I reach the police station they start the questioning, I tell them as much as possible. After questioning I go home and cry myself to sleep.

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