Chapter 13: Shocker

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Chan and I walked in the mall hand in hand, when we reached the rest of the cast I saw someone who I hadn't seen in forever, Michael. Apparently he recognized me too," Trista?!" I heard Michael exclaim," Yeah, it's me." I giggled, believe it or not, but we haven't worked on the same day yet, so he hasn't really found out we work together. Not see how that worked. Michael ran over and hugged me, strange man." Somebody missed me." I said as I hugged back, apparently Chandler got jealous and pulled me away," How do you two know each other?" " 2015 New Orleans comic con, you know the girl who said you could call her to talk when you got hurt from hate?" I ask, he nods," That would be me." Blushes," Um, thanks... for everything." He tolled me a few secrets, (a/n: as far as I know, these secrets Chandler tolled Trista aren't true, so don't go spreading them.), such as for Halloween one year he was a unicorn and what not." No problem, hey, at least you know you can trust me." He nodded. After that he kind if walked off and I just caught up with Michael. Well, until I was tackled off the bench I was on," Please get off of me..." I wheezed," Sorry, Tia." It was Sam, if course... he helped me up," So, what you up to?" He asked," I was talking with Michael." He nodded, and walked off. Strange boy. I just shook it off and we finished up our conversation, when it was time for the meet and greet we sat at our assigned seats. It was Andrew, Chandler, me, Michael, Danai, Steven, Lauren, Norman, Melissa, Chad, Sonequa, and Alanna. Everyone else either wasn't important enough, not on the show anymore, or had to cancel. After our boring entry we let the questions begin, because we had filming later we were limited to being asked five questions, it started with Andrew, but for interests sake I'll only tell you Chandler's, mine, and Michael's.

Chan's- 1.) Are you single?

2.) Why did you and Hana break up?

3.) Will you marry me?

4.) Who's your girlfriend?

5.) Are you holding auditions for your love interest yet?

Mine- 1.) Who are you?

2.) why are you sitting with the cast?

3.) who are you going to be playing?

4.) Why'd they cast you?

5.) Are you cheating on Chandler with Sam or Michael?

Michael- 1.) How do you know Trista?

2.) Will your character die this season?

3.) Will he come to his senses?

4.) Why'd you hug Trista earlier?

5.) Are you close with the cast?

I don't mind what people asked me though, there either logical or just plain mean. When we left I was glad, I don't like meet and greets. I'm not aloud on social media's, so unless haters see me on the streets or at meet and greets and stuff like that I don't get hate.

- time skip day of trip-

When I get home from work I start packing, I'm gonna miss the cast. I call Chandler when I'm done and tell him I'll miss him and I'll see him when the video's done. I miss my best friend too, at least I'll get to see her. When I reach my old house I'm almost in tears. I walk up to my old room and look around. I see a little note on my old night stand, it's messy like a five year old wrote it... Emilie... I forgot all about her!" Emile!" I call out to her. I feel a presence in the room, I turn around and see her," Read the note..." came her soft echo-like voice. I nodded and read it.

Dear Trista,

Why'd you leave me? I thought we were like sisters! I miss you, sissy. Please come home, I want you here with me.

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