Chapter 8 - Killer

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The guy that betrayed the club along with his boss few months ago writhes in agony as I pull out another one of his teeth. Tank decided that he's not worth interrogating, cause we have all the proof we need to know who worked against us.

I have already flayed they guy's arms, ripped his fingernails, broke his legs yet he still says nothing about the 'secret informant' he mentioned by accident. He's so stupidly stubborn it almost makes me laugh.

We got the guy as soon as we came to town; he was stupid enough to hide in his house, just as Tank expected. Thankfully for us, fucker lived alone, so we don't have to worry about anyone bothering us.

I brought the guy to his own basement, which was filled with gym equipment. I immediately secured him to one of the benches and began the interrogation. Right now I need to be the Shadow Warrior Killer, not the sweet Killian my cupcake came to know.

Tank and Don laugh loudly when the little traitor pisses himself after I pull out another tooth.

"Tell us who's giving you intel." Tank orders, lighting up a cigarette. I give him a questioning look. "Don't tell Treasure, she doesn't like it when I smoke." He chuckles.

The guy lying in front of me cries pathetically, begging for mercy again. I pluck out one of his eyes, causing him to scream in pain. "Okay, okay! – he cries out – There's a guy! He comes to the club once a week. He would meet with boss in his office then leave after two hours or so." I knew he would break.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know!"




"Lincoln! I only know his name's Lincoln!" The guy finally gives up after I rip off the skin from his scalp. I pause for a moment, letting him catch a breath.

"Lincoln who?" Tank gets up from his seat, glaring at the guy.

"I don't know. I only caught his name once. Please, I really don't know."

"Killer, get rid of him. He's useless now." Tank orders then walks away. I quickly slice the guy's throat before taking his body outside to bury him.

It was already late when we got here, so it's really dark outside when I bury the body. Normally I would have to look for a convenient place to take it, but the house is in a pretty secluded area, about two miles from a graveyard. Perfect location for a dead man.

I just want to finish this job quickly so I can go back to Walford to my Cupcake. I don't like leaving her, even if it's for few hours or a day. I want to be with her as often as I can.

"Killer." I hear Don call out from somewhere behind me.

"What's up?" I turn to him, lifting the bottom of my shirt to wipe the sweat off my face.

"I'm heading back to the club, but Tank said that if you don't want to walk back home, you should hurry. He's already waiting in the truck." He points his thumb over his shoulder with a chuckle.

"Couldn't he fucking tell me that himself?"

"He's talking to Gun about the next gun run. He just asked me to relay the message." He laughs, showing me a crumpled piece of paper with Tank's ugly scribbles on it. I shake my head at the Prez's ridiculousness. After he got with Treasure he got even weirder than before. Last year, after she left to college, he got really depressed; he was moody and would snap at anyone even looking at him the wrong way. But ever since he claimed Treasure as his, his personality made a freaking 180. He's a completely changed man.

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