Chapter 1

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Basically, this story is gonna have one or two songs for every chapter- or that's my goal. When you see "* [name of song] *" then that means the song is beginning. If you see it again, but with the word "End", then song has ended. I'll be sure to keep this notice for the first few chapters, as a reminder,as everyone gets used to the layout. This story is kinda like a musical, but as a writing format- so get ready to see some lyrics played out with a story. This is the first time I will be trying this, so let's hope I can get this settled and working.

Without further ado, let's get started!

The sound of light tapping upon the roof was the only source of sound in the dark colored home that Shadow lived in. His ears twitched with every roar of thunder that followed after the flash of lightning outside his window. Most would see days like these as gloomy, but Shadow quite enjoyed the rain. So much happens beyond the storming fury of the wind and falling water. Some creatures come out in its wake, and become active, and it is one of the contributions to the cycle through life. The rain brought water, which improved the vegetation, which helped the herbivores and omnivores, in which some of the carnivores ate. Once an animal dies, the rotting carcass was eaten by the scavengers- then life repeats. It was a simple cycle at the surface, but certainly complex. And it was the cycle Shadow had grown used to, with the differences of life and death. He had witnessed some die, but he has also seen lifs at its peak, with the help of Rouge- whom is the only person Shadow has allowed remotely close to his heart. They tended to tease and poke fun at each other, over lapping some of the horrid memories and feelings that he kept bottled up and away from the surface. It was his weakness as well as his strength, helping him keep the mental walls up for his own protection.

He closed his eyes, listening to the pitter patter upon his roof and windows, humming a small tune that reminded him of a joyful memory with his good friend, Maria. The used to talk, read, dance, sing, and do everything together. A fond memory he had was of him and Maria reading a short children's book on Earth, where th young girl tried to teach the hedgehog about literature while talking about her dreams of visiting the planet. Young Shadow had a dream to help the blonde fulfill hers and make her happy.

The memory consisted of Maria, book wide open in her hands as she pointed at an image of a house, talking about the different colors they came in, as well as the many different shapes and sizes. As she slowly closed the book, she looked out the window of the ark where she could get the perfect view of Earth. Shadow watched her, her eyes practically sparkling with hope. He turned his head to the view, wishing to go with her, to spend time with her, and be like siblings forever. But he knew that couldn't happen, he can always dream, though.

* A Million Dreams *

"I close my eyes and I can see a world that's waiting up for me, that I call my own," he stood up, turning to Maria, who looked at him in shock, never really hearing his hopes and dreams often. "Through the dark, through the door, through where no one's been before. But it feels like home."

Shadow grabbed the book, looking at the cover, a picture of a family hugging each other. "They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy. They can say, they can say I've lost my mind." He set the book aside, grabbing Maria's hand instead, pulling her off the floor. "I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy. We can live in a world that we design!" He pulled her with him, as they got closer to the display of Earth. "'Cause every night I lie in bed, the brightest colors fill my head! A million dreams are keeping me awake! I think of what the world could be, a vision of the one I see! A million dreams is all it's gonna take! A million dreams for the world we're gonna make!"

He let go of her hand, a smile forming on his face, as he picked the book back up, turning the pages back to the house. "There's a house we can build, every room inside is filled with things from far away." He jumped up, grabbing a messily made hair clip from her hair, made with a normal clip, blue paint, and a paper flower colored with a darker shaded blue crayon. "The special things I compile, each one there to make you smile on a rainy day! They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy. They can say, they can say we've lost our minds. I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy!
Runaway to a world that we design!" He pulled her into a hug, tail wagging and ears perked up. Every night I lie in bed. The brightest colors fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake! I think of what the world could be. A vision of the one I see. A million dreams is all it's gonna take!" Maria joined in on the singing, creating a duet, "A million dreams for the world we're gonna make!"

Shadow was shocked at her entry to his singing, with her using that to create her own solo. "However big, however small- Let me be part of it all

Share your dreams with me. You may be right, you may be wrong, but say that you'll bring me along! To the world you see!" Shadow got over his shock, face lightening up, as she put the light hedgehog on her back, letting him sit there and hug her as they looked at the world far from the ARK. Their duet continued once more, using their song to compare their dreams, and see just how similar they wished for them to be. To see how close they were. "To the world I close my eyes to see. I close my eyes to see!"

Shadow reached forward, resting his head upon Maria's, singing alone, and quietly again, words slightly slurring from the exhaustion from the day's events. "Every night I lie in bed. The brightest colors fill my head. A million dreams are keeping me awake. A million dreams, a million dreams. I think of what the world could be. A vision of the one I see. A million dreams is all it's gonna take. A million dreams for the world we're gonna make..."

Maria helped finish the song off, setting him down and scratching behind his ears, as the young hedgehog drifted off. "For the world we're gonna make..."

* End *

Shadow re-opened his eyes, the memory fading from his attention as he saw a pair of green eyes staring right back at him. At first, he was confused, but then the confusion turned into frustration.

"What do you want, Bat?"

"hmmm, nothing, Hot-Stuff. Was just mighty surprised when I came in to tell you of a new event, only to hear you humming such a sweet tune to yourself. What was it?" her eyes gleamed, reminding him a lot like Maria's did from the memory. This softened his expression, letting his guard down a bit.

"None of your business. And what event was so important that you had to waltz in without knocking, and spying on me in a private space?" he huffed, getting up from his seating.

"One, I did knock. You were just too lost in La La Land. And two, I want you to join the upcoming performance show. Everyone in town will be going to show off a talent or performance! You're humming only wants me to make you join with ms even more! What do you say, tall dark and handsome?~" She flirted, trying to stroke his ego and bribe him into agreeing.

Without hesitation, the dark colored hedgehog declined. "No. There is always a reason behind why you do things. You're not one to put on a show without a prize to capture, nor are you one to ask me to spend quality time with you away from mission grounds. What's the catch in this instance?"

"Me and red are in a bit of a pickle. He isn't exactly forgiving when I took one of his emeralds as a joke to get him to come looking for me. I need him running back to me, begging for me to come back. That red head gets healous super easy, and I just need us to do a single performance together. It doesn't have to even require you trying! Just show up to auditions, and he'll cave," she reassured, no doubt in her mind on what could or could not happen.

Shadow stared at her, a brow raised, as he felt dumbfounded. He shook his head, sighing. "I'll walk to auditions, but that is it. Do not expect much else from me. If the Echidna does not speak with you before auditions start, I'm leaving."

Rouge gave him a big smile, pulling the other in for a big, bear hug. "Thank you! You won't be disappointed!"

"I'm sure I will be," he rolled his eyes, slightly trying to pull away from the hug, immediately freezing when he felt light scratching behind the base of his ears. His eyelids drooped, eyes becoming half lidded, as a small purr rumbled through his chest. Within seconds, he leaned into the hand, saliva slightly building up within his mouth only to droop and drip out frim between his lips, eyes closing immediately. But, to Shadow's disappointment, the treatment ended, and his rough facade returned.

"Alright, see you at auditions around noon, tomorrow! It's downtown, at the theater. Try to be a bit early- that way we can plan a back-up plan, in case your simple existence isn't enough!" Before the ebony could retaliate, she ran out of the house, lifting up her wings as she took off into the air, presumably flying home.

Shadow checked the time, seeing as how it was nearing ten o'clock at night. He turned his lights off, shut his blinds and drapes, only to walk off to his room, and drift off to sleep, not caring too much or wasting time thinking of what was to happen around noon, after he wakes.

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