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She was tired. And Callum noticed. Dark bags were coated under her dulled, lilac eyes. She was barely keeping her head up.

After Zym hatched, Lujanne had led them up the cursed Caldera. It was a tiring day for all of them, but Rayla had taken more of the toll of struggles. Callum couldn't blame her. They got chased by a mob of angry elf-hating humans, walked for hours up a mountain, dealt with night terrors, and the process of Zym hatching. It wasn't easy. Callum was still grieving the loss of the primal stone. The one thing that made him useful. But the price was worth it. They hatched a baby dragon, and the little dragon was going to help end the war. Zym had ripped off Rayla's binding and saved her hand. Her pain was finally ceased by the little dragon. Her wrist was still somehow damaged. She had the mark of the binding on her arm. He couldn't imagine how it had felt to have all of the blood rush back into her hand at once.

He had checked on it for her earlier right after the fiasco with the Dragon Prince, carefully holding it and massaging it for her as the blood was racing into her hand. She had slightly grimaced at the contact, as the binding had just come off, but Callum was deeply concerned for her well being. Her hand had been in pain a lot before the binding came off, and that surely wouldn't go away right after it came off. It would need time to heal.

Callum, Ezran (and Bait), Rayla, Ellis, and Ava all sat together on a bench chattering. Lamps lit up the blue hued area. They talked about their adventures and how they felt. Rayla mostly stayed silent. She was tired and didn't have the energy to speak. Eventually, around midnight, she got up and declared that she was going to turn in for the night. It was easy to tell how tired she was. Her once bright eyes dull and bloodshot, wrinkles under her eyes, and a few strands of hair flying around.

Lujanne had come and offered them some food a few minutes later. Ezran and Ellis accepted, and Bait, Zym, and Eva ate their own food accustomed to their species. Callum kindly declined and excused himself. He was tired himself, and he needed to check on Rayla's hand once again before they go to sleep. Ezran and Ellis seemed to be in good hands, so he didn't need to worry too much. Ezran assured him that they would go to bed after they completed their meal.

Callum trotted down the trail, looking for the building that they would be residing in for the night. Once he found it, after remembering the intricate little designs etched into the door. He slowly opened the door and entered the room, closing it behind him. What he expected to see was Rayla sitting in bed, getting ready to sleep. But it's not what he saw. Instead, what he had discovered was an empty bed. He began to panic for a moment, but then reminded himself that Rayla could have gotten lost, or just went for a walk.

He left the building and began to search for the elf. He walked for a few minutes, keeping an eye out for an elf with white hair. He suddenly began to hear some distant music. Soft, lyrical music. He continued to walk, heading in the direction of the tune.

Moments later, he found himself in front of one of the arches that he'd seen with Lujanne. A blue tone from the elegant lamps colored the area. Greenery braided itself through the woven pillars. Subtle moon designs everywhere. But what caught his eye the most was the girl in the middle. It was Rayla. He found her! But what she was doing astounded Callum. She was. . . dancing.

Callum quickly hid behind a nearby bush, poking his head out a bit so he can see. He knew he shouldn't be spying like this, but he didn't want to interrupt her. Rayla was elegantly leaping and bouncing. He couldn't look away. He was long lost in his trance of the girl in front of him beautifully. But, she had said she was going to bed, why was she here? And how did she learn to dance like that?

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