Part Nine: Swerve

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Sebby's back ached. He'd been sitting at his drafting table, sketching on tracing paper with intentions of transferring those sketches onto a blank canvas. He was at work but he was working on his own personal project. He wants to do more with his art, like frame some of his drawings and exhibit them in some local galleries around town. Niko has been encouraging him to do so, to dream bigger.

But there was a catch... the majority of the sketches were terrible. Some however, were salvageable— sort off.
Sebby peered closely at the drawings, made a face then threw down his pencil and sheet and massaged his neck. He knew what his problem was, concentration... or lack there of.

Men! Why were they all a pain in the ass? First his father, then Brody, and now Quincy James. He couldn't even bear thinking about the latter though, he'd meant it when he'd told Quincy to go to hell, that he never wanted to see him again.

He should be happy about this new gig he had going on but instead he'd never been more miserable. He missed Quincy, missed him so much that at times he felt he couldn't stand the pressure on his heart. And it wasn't just the mind blowing sex he missed, even though he was horny as fuck and that was certainly a factor. He missed Quincy himself— his lazy drawl, his cockiness, the way he made Sebby feel like he was the center of his universe sometimes. God Sebby missed everything about him.

In the wake of their breakup Sebby had moped, binged on work, binged on exercise until his muscles trembled, he'd binged on food until he'd felt like he'd explode... most of all he'd cried himself to sleep every night. Nothing, however had relieved the pressure inside him.

He was now 6weeks pregnant and no one but himself knew, he still wanted Quincy to be the first to know, even though he felt the urge to tell Niko. He wasn't blind, he could clearly see how close he and Niko were getting, he wasn't ready to start anything with anyone else anytime soon but still before things went any further he felt he owed it to Niko to reveal that important info.
He snapped back to reality when Niko walked out front with a client.

Niko walked his last client of the day out, he turned to look at Sebby and smiled. He'd really grown fond of the younger male these past few weeks. He liked how smart, playful, and kind hearted Sebby that nígga could give you the clothes off his back if you needed it more. Niko loved how Sebby cried over every single movie he ever watched, it didn't matter what type of movie it was he always found something to cry about... and he absolutely loved how Sebby could fall asleep any and everywhere, Niko thought that was the cutest thing.

Sebby looked up at the huge male towering over him and blushed. "What are you smiling at?" He asked shyly.

"You," Niko said. "That shit you do where you wrinkle your forehead when you think and stress out for no reason, that's mad cute."

Sebby gasped in fake shock. "Puppies are cute, I'm sexy."

Niko laughed and shook his head. Watching Sebby laugh was starting to be one of his favorite things, he laughed like a little ass kid, he laughed with his whole body and his eyes closed. Niko could watch him laugh for breakfast, lunch and dinner. "You ready to get outta here?" Niko asked, joining the present.

Sebby looked at the clock and gasped again. "Oh my God, I totally lost track of time, was that the last client?"

"Yup. Rusty left too." Niko looked down at the crumpled sheets and pencil on the floor. "How'd that go?"
Sebby facepalmed and groaned loudly. "That good huh?" Niko smiled and walked close to Sebby, he cupped his neck and used his big thumb to massage the back of Sebby's neck soothingly. "Don't worry it'll come to you, you're talented as fuck, you just need to relax a little. Come on, I'mma buy you dinner and take your grumpy ass home.

Quincy looked from the see through door of the tattoo shop in quiet fury. He'd just pulled up when he peeped Sebby laughing at that nígga's joke, what the fuck was so funny? He was about to say fuck it and go in when he noticed they were closing up, so he leaned by his car and waited.

Sebby and Niko walked out of the shop moments later smiling from ear to ear, but that quickly turned into a frown when they saw Quincy.

Quincy glared at Niko, then moved his gaze till it rested on Sebby. "Bae, can we talk for a minute?" Sebby was still too dazed to say anything, this was the first time he was seeing Quincy in weeks but it felt like longer. "Come on, take a ride with me."

Quincy walked towards Sebby, only for Niko to step in front of Sebby, stopping Quincy in his tracks. "Get outta my face nígga! This ain't got non' to do with you." Quincy warned angrily.

Niko stood still, unblinking. "I can appreciate that G, but I'd like to hear from Sebby, if he cool we cool, it ain't gotta be nothing else." He turned to Sebby who was finally looking up from the ground where his attention had been. "You good with him?"

Sebby looked directly at Quincy while he answered Niko's question. "Nah I'm good with you, we've got nothing to talk about."
Sebby turned to get into Niko's car.

Quincy tried to step to Sebby again but Niko stepped between them once more, his hands were folded in front of him with his shoulders squared like he was ready to throw down whenever Quincy was.

Quincy chucked in disbelief. "Get outta my face while you still got a face bitchboy." He said calmly, which was his usual tell for when he was about to lose his shit.

Niko got in Quincy's face even more. "What you finna do huh?" He questioned, then he turned and looked at Sebby who was now in his car. He seemed upset and Niko didn't wanna add to that, so he took a deep breath and took a step back. "Look, i ain't got no problems with you chief, we been cool for a minute. But you ain't getting past me, not until baby boy says otherwise." Quincy and Niko's eyes meet, and for a second they just stood there sizing each other up.

Quincy looked at the man with the most intense anger he'd ever felt, he wanted so bad to headbutt him into next week, or better still splatter his brains all over this stank ass pavement. But somehow he knew that doing that would only push Sebby further away from him. And Sebby was it for him, there were no second or third options, he was going to marry that nígga and this punkass bitch in front of him can't do nothing to change that. So with all the self control he could muster he turned around and got into his car. He sat there and watched as Niko got in his own car, hugged Sebby close for a moment, then pulled off.
Quincy punched his steering wheel and screamed at the top of his voice.

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