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This is a universe originally created by Xanthe Walter  where Dom/Sub dynamics are something usual in the modern world. There's a better explanation of this universe on her website so go ahead and check it out! (her website is https://www.xanthewalter.com/bdsm-universe/)


These story isn't a how-to guide.
If you want to understand more about the BDSM lifestyle, please research the many great non-fiction books on the subject.

/My understanding and representation of BDSM-Verse/

BDSM-Verse is a type of alternate universe setting in fanfiction where Dom/Sub relationships are the norm, and sexual identity is understood in terms of BDSM power dynamics rather than sexual object choice.

Orientation: People discover their orientation at puberty. They normally identify as SUB or DOM, but they can also identify as SWITCH although it's pretty rare. There is no value judgement in sexual orientation, and dominants aren't superior to submissives.

SUB: Wants to be controlled/dominated by the DOM. (They would be the equivalent to Omegas in Omegaverse)

DOM: Wants to control/dominate the SUB. (They would be the equivalent to an Alfas in Omegaverse)

SWITCH: Depending on the other party and situation they can either be a DOM or a SUB. (They would be the equivalent to Betas in Omegaverse)

Branches: Just as in real Kink/BDSM there are branches to DOM/SUB dynamics. Some of these include Brats, Brat Tamers, Master/Mistress, Sadists, Masochist, Pray, Hunter, etc.

Play: The Kink/BDSM interaction between two or more people.

Aftercare: Care given to both SUBs and DOMs after the play.

Command: Similar to an Alfa's voice, when the DOM gives an order using a "special voice" the SUB is compelled into a submissive pose. Some examples can be Present (show genitals), Stay (wait), Kneel (sit with open legs), Talk (moan), Come, etc.

Safe Word: A word agreed by the DOM and the SUB to say if they want to end the play. Just like the DOM's command there's a compelling force behind a SUB's safe word.

SUB Drop: If after the play the DOM doesn't provide aftercare, the SUB is attacked by a sense of panic and emptiness.

DOM Drop: If after the play the SUB doesn't provide aftercare, the DOM is attacked by a sense of guilt and emptiness.

SUB Space: During play, the SUB is perfectly under the DOM's control. The feeling of euphoria is fluffy.

Glare: "Pressure" that DOMs use. When a SUB who's recognized that they're the DOM's own SUB they bask in it, they become weak. Also the power of its menacing effect is different for every DOM.

Claim: Something that the DOM puts on the SUB's body once they are bound to an official relationship. These includes collars, bracelets or even rings.


Unlike omegaverse the physical biology isn't altered by the character's orientation, therefore male SUBs don't own female reproductive organs and female DOMs don't own a male reproductive organs.

Being Top, Bottom or Versatile isn't defined by a character's orientation, this mean there can be Top SUBs or Bottom DOMs.







I'm back!

Please enjoy this Kiribaku fanfic and consider giving it some love. This is something new I'm trying so if you have any supportive or constructive comments don't hesitate of speaking your voice, as usual I'll try to read and answer all of them.

Love, Onyx

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