part one

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Today is the day you leave with my two best friends to LA you cant wait!
end of thoughts•

you run into mads room which is right next to yours and start to wake her up like normal.

nessa:Mads mads mads mads wake up we need to leave soon.
mads: Okay okay I'm up ness..go wake tay!

You leave mads room and run to Taylor's.

nessa:Tay tay tay wake upppppp!!
tayler:What's up ness.
nessa:We need to leave soon dumbo.
tayler:Oh yeah..well then go get ready.

You leave Taylor's room and head back to yours.

you start doing your daily routine,you go for your shower and wash your hair.After you finish you change into this:

After you finish you change into this:

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Just as you finish packing your stuff you needed for today,Mads walks through the door

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Just as you finish packing your stuff you needed for today,Mads walks through the door.

mads:Hey ness,I made breakfast.
nessa:Okay mads,I'll be down in a second.

Mads walks out of your room and you finish putting your makeup in your suitcase,and then you walk downstairs!

tayler:Finally took you long enough ness.but you look gorgeous
nessa:Thanks tay!
mads:I'm so exited to see all our bestfriends!!
nessa:Me too mads..I'm exited to see my brother again!

After you guys finish eating,you all grab your suitcases,and lock up your apartment and give the keys to your landlord and leave in Taylor's car to the airport.

mads:ugh,I'm so exited can we get Starbucks before we go on the plane
nessa:sure mads

You guys get there

mads:Starbucksss,let's go ness
nessa:Coming mads

you get:

Mads gets:

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Mads gets:

Tayler comes up to you guys

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Tayler comes up to you guys.

tayler:Guys we have to go board our plane now come on.

You,tayler and mads all have your seats beside each other.You fall asleep on Taylor's shoulder and mads falls asleep on his other sholder.

[1] 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now