Part 43;

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You wake up the next morning cuddled by Avani and Josh. you look up and see Anthony,Kio and Liv on your bed sleeping. You dont move you just lay there thinking about everything that has happened this trip.

Suddenly you feel Josh and Avani both moving so you look up and see them both awake looking down at you.

Avani:*Wisper* Hi baby.
Josh:Feeling better?
Avani: let's wake them up shall we?
Josh and Nessa:Let's gooo

You,Avani and Josh go downstairs and see everyone else sleeping in the living room. The three if you smile at the sight of your entire friend group sleeping downstairs.

The three of you then Walk to the kitchen and grab some pots and pans to hang together. You first start with the living living since there is way more people in there.

*The three of you start*

Tayler:Damn again?
Blake:I was tryna sleep here.
Bryce:Nessa Barrett stop it!
*You dont stop*

Bryce jumps up and you start running and he just chases after you. Eventually you corner yourself and bryce throws you over his shoulders and walks back to the living room,where everyone else is laughing.

Bryce:You woke we up by banging pots and pans together, so I think no!
Nessa:Please,I need to go wake up Kio, Liv and Ant.

Bryce puts you down and you run upstairs. When you get upstairs you see them all asleep so you decide to go jump on them.

Liv: hi lovely:)
Nessa:Get ready we have jetski plans;))

You run back downstairs with Anthony and Kio chasing after you. You see Josh standing there on his phone so you run into his arms.

Josh:Woah there!
Nessa:Protect me!
*Josh sees Ant and Kio*
Josh:Aw my Princess.
Ant:Your soft when it comes to her.
*You roll your eyes and smile*
Nessa:we need to get ready!

You all go to your separate Huts and rooms and get ready. You change in the bathroom like every other time.

Your fit;

Your fit;

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[1] 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now