Chapter 6

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Atlanta, Georgia

"So you not gone stay?",  Brianna asked me as she got up off of her knees. "Naw I'm good." I said zipping my pants up and getting my stuff. "Why?" She asked. This time I ignored her and walked towards the door. I knew Brianna for a while, so she knew it was no hard feelings.

As soon as I'd walked out of her house I walked to my car. I hadn't been to Trey's house in a few days so I headed that way. I knew everybody else would probably be there because they act like they have no where else to go.

As soon as I pulled up I noticed Santana's car there.

I walked inside and saw Ashanti in my seat. " Move" I said as I stood over her. She looked up at me and told me "No". " I was here way before you got here. "Ion give af" I said and pushed her over. She smacked her teeth and pulled out her phone, and her AirPods.

"Aye y'all wanna play the game?" Said Trey. " Ya" was all I said as Trey, Vontae, ManMan, Duke, and I all walked to the back.

Atlanta, Georgia

"Hey"  I said cheesing hard asf. "Wassup Ma" He said back. " You wanna got to this party with me on Saturday?" I asked him. "Ya, where is it at?" He said.  "I'll send you the flyer" I told him. "Ok Ma, listen I gotta go my moms is calling me." I said my goodbyes and hung up smiling.

"Tana!" I called. "Girl you know that cute boy I met at Footlocker, Tyquan?" I asked. "Yeah" she said.  "We going to Mia party on Saturday." Tana smiled and said  "Yaaas girl, I was gone go too."  I didn't know she was going but I didn't mind it. Just in case some weak bitches decided to try sum. They always get rowdy at parties😤.

I really just wanted to see what type of person Tyquan is he seems nice but then again so did Quay. I just didn't want to get my heart broken again. That still didn't mean that I'm stepping into a relationship with Tyquan. I literally just met him, we're merely acquaintances who have each other's number and talk everyday.  "None of the boys are going right?" I asked Santana. "Nah, I don't think so, especially Draco that was the first party he'd been to in like 3 years."  "Good" I thought.

"Santana can you take me home?" I asked. "I have to get some stuff together at the house, you remember I told you I was moving." "Sure" she said and grabbed her keys.
"Trey I'll be back!" She screamed. "Aight" you heard him answer, then tell something at the game.

We were in the car and Santana was almost by the expressway , when I remembered something. "Best!!" I screamed. Her head snapped towards mine quick and she swerved the car a little "What's Wrong" she said panicky. " I think I have enough to get my car" I said as I  cheesed so hard my face felt like stone. "Omg Congratulations" I know how hard you saved up for this" I'm so happy for you she said. "Yes I got that and enough to get me a new condo." I said smiling.

I had been living in the house that 2 bedroom, 1.5 I'm in since my parents kicked me out. I had to stay with Santana and her boyfriend at the time, Jihill. I worked so so hard to get it and now I'm at a place where I can move again.  Santana knows the struggle that I went through with my parents, and why it was so important to me that I had accomplished this.

When you've worked so hard to get somewhere, BY YOURSELF and you accomplish it by yourself it feels really good to be able to say, "I did that." or "That was all me." I just makes me feel important, and trust that feeling won't be short lived.

We were at my house already, I didn't even know because of how deep in thought I was. "Thank you Santana." I said smiling and waving as I walked into the door. There were boxes everywhere, just waiting for me to finish packing them and everything else. I really had just checked my bank account, to see what I had. I usually just forget about it but something was just bugging me to check.

So I called my card and checked my balance. I had saved at least a little over 200,000. At the time I almost dropped my phone, I thought I was going crazy. I had been saving that money for years, really since my parents. I had also been investing in a little stock marketing, and even though I have a little something I'm still gone continue to save up.

I started to pack things into boxes. My clothes, shoes, bathroom and kitchen things were already packed. I had to wrap the sofa up, the dresser in my room, the tv, and pack up extra stuff around the house.


Within at least 3 hours everything was packed and wrapped and ready for the condo. The landlord said that " I could move in as soon as possible." I had paid all expenses, I just needed help with the furniture.


"Santana can you send me Treys Number?" I said. "Uhhh yeah I'm finna send it to u" she said. "Thanks I just need help transferring this furniture from here to the condo" I said as I thanked her. "Oh I didn't know that you were already getting the condo, I thought that you had just got the money to actually move" She replied looking a little confused. I smiled and said" Naw I wanted to get it over with so I went ahead and payed." 

"Ok Tana I gotta go, I really need help" I sighed. We said our goodbyes and I hung up. My phone dinged as Santana sent me Treys number.

I put the number in my keypad and dialed it. The phone rung for a moment and then he answered. "Who is this?"  he said really gruff and masculine. "Ashanti" I said. "O, what you need" he said playfully. He really eased up on the whole tone. " I need help moving furniture to my condo, so can you please ask your friends to help" I pleaded.

The phone went silent for a little while, and he muted me. Then he unmuted me and said "ya we'll help send yo address  we otw." I smiled really big and said "Thank you so much". He just said "You good fam" then hung up. I separated my face from the phone and jumped up and down. If anybody were seeing me right now they'd think I was crazy, I really thought none of them niggas was going to help me probably except Trey.

I laid on the floor, for a moment of breath. I was hella tired. After I did all of this stuff by myself who wouldn't be? I got up went to the freezer hoping I still had some ice cream left in there, and I saw two.  A drumstick and Bomb pop jr. , I felt lucky today so I sat down with my two ice creams and ate them savoring each drop on my tongue.

I enjoyed everything for a moment, the cold floor, the cold from the pop sickles still coursing through my hot sweaty body, and the quiet in my home. At least for a moment before I heard Lil baby & 42 Dougg We Paid playing right outside my house.

"Damn she got a nice ass house for just her" I heard. Then  someone knocked on the door, "Come in" I screamed. As they came in I got up off of the floor, "First I wanna say Thanks for helping and Second, we can stay with the couches" I said feeling jolly. Those ice creams did more than I knew they did apparently.

Ty and Vontae got one couch while Duke and ManMan got my other couch.  I had already rented a moving truck beforehand so I went outside and unlocked and opened the back part and left it open for them.

Ty, Vontae, Duke, & ManMan had begun carrying the couches out of the house, with Ty and Vontae in front. As they placed both couches inside the uHaul.

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