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"When you love someone you love the whole person just as he or she is, and not like you would like them to be"
                                        -Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina


"hey love look at this huge sick horse want to take him along with you?" Diego asked Adriana. To Adriana Diego was the best man on planet earth, everything was perfect about him, he doesn't cheat, loving doesn't spend his time goofing off.

To her he was the perfect guy made for her wallflower persona. Unlike Adella her sister Adriana was self kept she keeps her emotions in check, she is always behind people. It may seem to people for her families high class status to have a wallflower for a daughter. It was always balls after balls, occasion after occasion

"I would have to ask the owner if he is willing to allow me care for his horse and of course no extra charges" she replied her fiancee

The Garcia's were known well off for their large Ranch business, they had many Ranch spread wide across Mexico city. 

"but the horse is really huge, weak and sick he would be eaten off you purse if no extra charges are made" Diego reasoned with her but Adriana just frowned him

"no extra charges Diego" she said as they both entered the foyer

"hello kind sir Miss Garcia is here to see you" Diego announced but Adriana just shook her head at him, throwing her one of his numerous flirtatious smile she left him behind going to meet the owner.

The Garcia's family are very respectable down in Mexico so on hearing that Adriana was in his shop spiked his interest

"come on in Miss. Garcia and to what do i owe this unexpected visit?"

"oh please just call me Adriana" she corrected but the man just nodded and waited for her to state her reason for being in his ranch. Does she want to buy my fathers ranch?

"am sorry Missy but the ranch is not for sale" he said drily

"will you just hear her-" Diego started by she stopped him mid way

"no kind sir I am not here to buy your ranch"

"then why are you here?" he asked curiously

"I was just strolling and saw a dark brown horse in your stable he looked sick so i just wanted to know if i could take care of him till he gets better i will return him afterwards when he is all better"

"I would love to take you up on that offer but I don't have the money for that, but still thank you for your kind gesture" he said tipping his hat in sign to bid her farewell

"no no no don't get me wrong sir no charges attached" she said smiling a little to the man's astonishment. "I know that horse is big and I can bet on my fortune that he would win you money during races so please take my offer" she pressed on. The man looked on knowing she wasn't going to take no for answer and besides before the horse got sick he use to earn him cash.

"thank Miss Garcia" 

"please Adriana" she corrected again which he chose again to ignore

"please this way" he said leading them to the back of the stable "this is yaris" he said pulling the reins of the horse towards her, she gladly took it with her left hand and use her right hand to stroke his mare

"he is beautiful" she said unconsciously.  The Garcia's were always a suckers of horses, they knew everything about horses, how to care and carter for them, how to train them also.

"he was my fath-" he wanted to say but Diego butted in

"my love we have to get going now its getting dark" he said drily, Adriana just eyed as she tugged on the horse

"you will receive him in full strength I promise" she promised the owner as she left but stopped remembering she didn't get his name

"sorry sir what do they call you"

"just call me Miguel" he said

"thank you Miguel"


"we will have chandeliers  here" Mrs Garcia said just as Adriana and Diego entered. Watching her mother gracefully giving orders as she walked across the room

"Hola papá, abuelo, ¿cómo estás? {hey dad, grandfather how are you doing?}" Adriana greeted pecking them both on their cheek. She had always being ever so close to her father and abuelo more than any of her family

"YOU DON'T DROP THE CHAIRS THERE!!!!" her mom screamed at the servants doing her bidding's as they worked their ass off, taking a wine from the servant she signalled, she smiled warmly as she took the wine, taking a sip

" donde esta tu prometido {where is your fiance?}" Abuelo asked curiously making Adriana turn behind her

"I came in with him maybe he went to the room" she said shrugging her shoulders, she didn't suspect anything since today was a very long day, Abuelo on the other hand never liked Diego always suspecting him. Adriana remembered her wine, taking another sip again and dropping it carefully on the glass table as she watched her mum walk towards them.

Ready to take another sip, she found out that her drink wasn't there again she wiped her head to the direction and saw her mum drown the last drop

"hey!!" Adriana said glaring at her mom. But her mom just shook the effect of the wine off her and sat beside her father. Adriana just rolled her eyes and signalled for another one

"oh make that two honey" her mother said

Adriana and her mom never got on well because apparently Adriana got something that was always meant for Adella. Adella and Adriana are twins but Adella came out 10mins before Adriana making Adella the first born.

Abuelo felt the need to share his will while he was still alive to prevent any future disaster or unexpected death. There was a huge gap difference between Adella and Adriana. They were complete opposite of each other.

Adella was carefree, careless, more graceful, outgoing and outspoken, spoilt, and most of the time wasted. she lacks efficiency but she has high tolerance range and she is a very patient person. she loved crowd with its attention along with it.

while Adriana wasn't as careless as Adella, she was also graceful, but Adriana didn't like crowd like Adella, she preferred to be kept behind in the dark during occasions and charity, but it was kind of tough because of her family's class status. she was even nick named wallflower affluent, Adriana had zero tolerance rate and she lacks patient, that is why she prefers to keep everything locked in.

Her mom loved Adella more than Adriana and her father says he loves them both equally but the whole family knows he loved Adriana more, Abuelo on the other hand loved them equally but never failed to show his disgust when he sees Adella doing the wrong thing, to everyone Adriana is his favourite.

Giving her mom her own glass but received no gratitude at the end, Adriana watched the servant work. There were preparing the room for the masquerade ball before her wedding, Adriana loved masquerade ball because you move around freely without people knowing it is you.The masquerade ball was meant to be her engagement party but she choose to change the theme to The mask ball. Her cared the least so long that she got married to Diego. She got tired over time and withdraw to her room.

She met Diego already sleeping soundly on the bed, making no noise she had her bath and crawled back to bed with her fiance 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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