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As Lily saw Voldemort walking up to the house, she went up stairs with the kids to try and get away, but Voldemort was right behind her. I begged him to spare the kids but he kept asking me to move, but i couldn't leave my precious twins to die. So he shouted "Avada Kedavra" and the last thing I saw was a bright green light.

Voldie POV

Finally I can kill the children! I decide to kill the one with emerald eyes first, but his brother stands up and walks in front of him and says "Don't huwt Hawy" he says. Since he is defiant I kill him first. But it comes back to me and i see no more.

Dumbledore POV

I am talking with professor McGonnagal when Hagrid comes with the twins. I see a lightning scar on Harry's head and i think he must be the on Voldemort had chosen. We say goodbye to the twins and rest their sleeping bodies on the Dursleys doorstep and then we apparate out.

But no one saw the hooked nose greasy haired man who came out after they left.

Snape POV

I came out to say goodbye to the twins after they left, but i saw a small scar shaped like a trident on the small of Percy's back. I realised that Voldemort actually chose Percy instead of Harry. The curse might have just brushed past Harry and hit Percy full on. I must keep this a secret from everyone. 

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