Chapter 2

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I do not own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson

Harry POV 

Everything at the zoo was so cool, but Dudley being there kind of ruined it. After a while Percy branched off on his own going to who knows where. An hour after Percy left we went to the reptile house to find Percy looking a snake directly in the eyes. It looked kind of creepy if you ask me.

When I got closer I took a better look at the snake. It was about 6 feet long and it was black with blue stripes and see green eyes like Percy's(picture above with sea green eyes). I could hear Percy hissing to the snake, was he trying to talk to it? Maybe he's going crazy.

Dudley rushed up and pressed his face against the glass. "Look dad look at the snake, it's so cool" exclaimed Dudley. "Make it look at me dad""okay son" Uncle Vernon pushed Percy out of the way and started banging on the glass. Then the glass suddenly disappeared and Dudley, who was still leaning on the glass fell in. The snake slithered out of the cage and up Percy's leg and draped itself around Percy's shoulders. I ran towards him to help him get the snake off, but he held up a hand in the universal sign for stop. He looked completely okay with it. I turned around to see Uncle Vernon turning purple in the face."What happened boy!" he shouted at Percy. "I don't know but this snake likes me and I am keeping him" Percy told us. Vernon didn't want to except this, but Percy talked to the zookeeper and he said it is fine since it only follows Percy now. I'm glad Percy moved to the cupboard, because I do not want to live with a snake.

Time Skip 

For the zoo incident Percy was locked in the cupboard for a long time, but he didn't seem to mind. On the day he got out he found out about the mail problems we were having (I know this isn't in exact order, but i decided to change a lot instead of one with all Harry and just a little Percy.) When i went in the living room Vernon was blabbing about No mail on Sundays when a bunch of letters came flying out of the fire place I jumped trying to catch one. Percy ran out with his snake which he named Charles. Dudley was trying to get one and Vernon was pushing us out we went to our rooms still mad that we didn't get to read the letters. 

  The next day we got loaded into the car and Uncle Vernon drove away, Taking random turns and muttering " that'll shake em off". Halfway through the ride Dudley said" Daddy's gone mad hasn't he!". " He has always been insane can't believe you didn't notice that" Percy whispered. We got to a hotel, but we couldn't go because we had to many people.  We drove to a boat and got on. We sailed to a shack that looked run down. Uncle Vernon made us get in the shack. "I've got food" he held up a bag of chips "and defense" he held up a shotgun". Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia got the bed Dudley slept on the couch. I slept in a recliner chair with a blanket and Percy curled up on the floor next to . I looked at a clock and saw that it was our birthday. "Happy Birthday to me..." as I was muttering this a BOOM came from the door. everyone woke up and Uncle Vernon grabbed his shotgun. Another BOOM. One more hit and the door will get knocked down. BOOM, the door came flying off it's hinges.

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