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I get to my moms house and she greets me with a warm hug. She sees that I've been crying from my red eyes. "What's wrong Honey?" She says as she sits me down on the couch. My mom doesn't know that I'm with Anthony (was) or that I'm gay. I can't help but burst out in tears. She rubs my back and looks at me with concern. "It's just Anthony..." I say. "What about him? What did he do?" She asks obviously confused. "M-mom I'm g-gay" I sob "and I've b-been in a relationship w-with Anthony for about a month." My mother has a shocked expression on her face. I start crying harder. "I always knew you were different Ian. Our family is going to support you though this honey, we love you no matter what," she responds as she hugs me. I know Anthony and I agreed to not say that we are a thing or were but I don't give a single fuck right now. "But what did Anthony do if I may ask" she says. I wait a bit until I can catch my breath. Im glad that he rest of my family isn't here yet. "He cheated on me. But can we keep this whole gay thing a secret, only Melanie and Anthony know. I'm just not ready yet," "Oh ok honey, let's get you unpacked and let Daisy out in the backyard."My mom is the only one here for me... wow... I'm so gay. I smile to myself, and I'm ok with it. I wonder what Anthony is doing...

~Sad Time Skip to Tomorrow~


I wake up next to Kalel and to the smell of sex. I'm such an awful boyfriend. I look at the clock, 9:30. I get up and go to the bathroom. Ian... I'm contemplating if I should call him and say sorry. I take out my phone and see Ian texted me and a missed call. "Hey Anthony, if you still want this to work out call me." Why is he so forgiving. I love him so fucking much. Kalel comes behind me and hugs me, but I'm not being seduced this time. "Stop" I whisper and push her away. "But Anthony, I can help you with your morning wood" she says jumping up and down like a 6 year old. "This isn't going to work out, I don't feel a connection between us. Sorry but you have to leave Kalel." I say as I push her out the door. "You'll see me again, but you'll be crawling in my arms next time!" She yells as the slams my apartment door. I sigh and quickly pull out my phone to call Ian. He answers immediately. "Hello?" "Hey Ian, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, she put me in a trance where I craved sexual contact. I never noticed that I was hurting you. Can we make this work out again please" I plead as my eyes started to water. "I don't know how I can trust you anymore, but I love you Anthony... I would love to have you again as mine" he says. "So... Would you like to be my boyfriend again Ian Andrew Hecox?" I ask. "Yes!! Of course" he answers loudly. We both laugh. "Do you want to drive to Sacramento and come hangout with my family this weekend?" "Alright, wait do they have a bedroom for me?" I excitedly say. "Your gonna sleep in my old room with me dummy!" He says giggling. "Ok I'll text you when I'm almost there. I love you blue eyes" I say. I'm so glad I can call him that again. "I love you too! But I told my mom about us, she's the only one that knows though" he adds. "Oh that's ok. I love your mom." I laugh. "Shut up, see you later" "I love you, bye" I finish and end the call. I go into the parking garage and start the car. As I wait for the car to warm up I look on Twitter. Everyone is giving me a link to a YouTube video and asking if it's true... I click on the link... Oh no.

A.N. Just wanted to say... I fucking love you all... thanks for almost 100 reads :)

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