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I got my period today. Literally when I was in the class. Can u imagine how embarrassing it was for me 😭. Worst of all I wore a light blue jeans 🙄. When I was walking out of the class my friend pulled me aside and told me that

" you have a stain in your pants which I believe is from your period lol"


"Chill chill, hmmm I have a pad with me rn but I don't have any jeans or anything tho"

"Omg just gimme the pad then I'll see what I can do 😭😭😭"

You see I was basically like sitting on the branch for a miracle to happen and for me to be saved from the embarrassment. Sometimes I just worry about myself. I was almost crying until someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked back ..

"Hmm 😑 wtf who did that 🙄"

There was literally nobody tf people playing pranks on me now. If I wasn't on my period you bet They'd be D.E.A.D. I'm really not on the mood. There we go there's someone tapping again but I didn't respond. And then they had the AUDACITY to scare tf outa me when they put their hands on my eyes. I turned around and guess who it was... JUNGKOOK. I was so relieved except for the fact he just saw me sobbing and my nose running. Yuckkkk.

"Heyyyy" jungkook said smiling with his smiling eyes

"What's up" me literally dying atp

"Why you look so tensed"

"Dude I'm so embarrassed to say this buttt"

"But what lol just tell me!!"

"I got my period and I got a stain on my pants and I really don't wanna go walking looking like that 😫"

"Oooh, OOOH, DONT worry I got my gym shorts with me but no pads or panties 😭 sorry 🥴"

"Lmao it's fine I got a backup but thank youuu so much junnnnn I love u soooo much 😔😂😭" giving him a kiss on the check

*Him blushing*

"Go ahead and hurry cus I'm really hungry 🥴"

"Yeah okayyy right away"

Honestly I look really good in these shorts. My ass popping out 🥰. then the unfortunate happened. I was walking out of the bathroom and there was this slippery floor I didn't notice. I wasn't falling but the slipperyness made me do a splittt 😫😫😫. My leg hurttsssss bro I was just there screaming for my life. But thank god this girl helped.

"Hey jun, again I'm so thankful for these shorts 🤩"

"No problem ☺️, Um we should starting walking and go to this sushi place right there"

"Omg I'm starving" walking
"Okay but i didn't know we go to the same college this whole time"

"Zara seriously 😑"
"I literally have mr. Choi with u at 1pm"

"Omg really" I was scratching my head trying to think how tf I didn't see him
"How the hell did I not see u then 😭"

"Because I'm like 2 rows behind u lol"

"Ooh 😂😭"

*Fast forward*

To save your precious time I'm just gonna tell you what we did. Well we went to eat sushi and we ate like a ridiculous amount of it. And we were laughing about the time jimin was stuck in the bathroom all day 😂. And now we're just about to go in.

"hey guys" I said to others except yoongi and namjoon is missing.

"Hey, why are u both late?" Hoseok asked

"Something annoying happened 🙄🙄🙄" I said angrily because I'm on my period and the hormones

"Well what is it" jin asked with his wideass eyes

"Omg it's embarrassing dude and I'm soo mad 😭" I said crying

"Omg why u crying again Zara 🤦‍♂️!!"
"Well idk if she want me to tell you Cus it's a girly thing lol" jungkook said laughing hestericly 

"Hmmm what could it be? 🤔" jimin commented

Out of nowhere they all started arguing trying to figure out wth happened except for tae who was so silent.


There you go he didn't hold back. They were all so quiet but then each of them went somewhere leaving me with jungkook. I went running to my room because I wanted to take shower so bad. I promised jun that I'll wash the shorts and give it back so I don't have to worry bout that.
When I got out of the bathroom I was soo mad idk whyyy and I got the worst cramps everrrr. Then I was so surprised to see sooo much chocolates in the living table. Jimin said

"I got chocolates for you"

And then Jin is like

"I made you soup and shrimp stir fry"

Hoseok came in with blankets
And he most surprising thing was that tae also participated too likeeee my stoft heart cryinggggg
Tae was like

"I got some movie cds if you guys want to watch it together"


Ofc we got tired and the next thing I know is everything going blank.

*they all fell asleep in the couch while watching the movie. They were squeezing in to fit. And then namjoon came home and saw them sleeping and decided join. Which caused everyone to fall down from the couch.*

Jimin and hoseok cried

"Wtf happened" I said

We all looked to see that namjoon joined. Everyone was screaming at each other saying




"SHUT THE FUCK UP PEOPLE" I yelled because they're so loud and my having cramps 🙄. Then I said

"Just bring some more blankets so some people can have some space to sleep and we can watch the movie including namjoon"

Everyone agreed. Then came the GOD of darkness who is yoongi. always in his room sleeping. He joined too and that's how the day ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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