First Meetings

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Rose's POV

I was only three when I met my little wolf pup Luciana and four when I met the love of my life. Oh! I'm so sorry, where are my manners? I am Rose Mae. And this is my story of how me, my little Luciana, and my boyfriend found our treasure.

Fifteen years earlier:

I was walking through the woods and found an injured wolf pup huddled in a corner of an alley surrounded by adult wolves. Me being the brave little monster girl I was, I ran to help her and fought off the wolves. Afterwards I was covered in cuts bleeding quite a bit. I shrugged off the injuries. "Oh no! Poor little wolf pup!" I exclaimed. I quickly ran over. "Here, let me heal you!!" I used my healing magic to heal her. She jumped on me and licked my face as a thank you. "Do you have a mama to go back to?" I asked her. She shook her head no. I quickly hugged her and she whimpered sadly. "Do you wanna come home with me?" I asked her. She yipped excitedly and spun in a circal. I giggled and hugged her. "What do think about the name 'Luciana'?" I asked. She yipped happily. I then took her home and my mother jumps in surprise as I'm being followed by a wolf pup. "Rose!! Look out!!" she screams and comes to pick me up away from the pup. "Mama!! It's okay!! I saved her from adult wolves!!! She's a friend now!!" I exclaimed as I jumped from my mother's grip. I walked over to the pup and she nuzzles close to me for protection. My mother instantly understood and helped give me and Luciana a bath. After that my mom tucked me into bed. "Goodnight my little Rose Petal. You have a very big day tomorrow. Sweet dreams." She says as she kisses my forehead. Tomorrow's a big day because tomorrow's my first day at school.

The next day:

It's my first day of preschool. I was so excited I started running into the building and bumped into someone. "Ow!!" I yelled clutching my head and rubbing it lightly. "Oh I'm sorry! Are you okay?" a little boy who had beautiful light brown hair asked worriedly. I looked up. My pink eyes sparkled as I looked up at the boy in front of me. "Y-Yeah. I'm okay. Thank you!" I told the little boy giggling."That's good!! I'm Jasper!! What's your name???" The boy I now knew as Jasper said to me. "I'm Rose. Nice to meet you." I said as I blushed a rosey pink. He laughed a little. I just blushed more. "Now I see why your name is Rose. You're a rosey pink right now!!" He stopped laughing and looked at me and smiled. Then the bell rang. "C'mon Rose!! We're gonna be late!!" He suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me inside to the classroom. Once we got there, I was out of breath from the sudden need to run. Suddenly he spoke, startling me. "Hey!! Wanna draw with me??" he asked me with a sparkle in his eyes. How could I say no to those adorable blue eyes "Of course I will!!" I said excitedly. As we were drawing, I noticed his eyes were two different colours. The left is blue while the other is yellow. 'Huh, how did I not notice that before? Oh well. I think it's cute.' After what seemed like hours of drawing with him, the day ended and we parted ways. And little did we know, this was the beginning to a whole new world of adventure.

Junior High:

My parents are out visiting my grandparents while I stay with Jasper and his family, little did I know, my parents never made it to my grandparents.

Jasper's Mother's POV:
"Oh no...yes, she is with us right now. Mhm. Yes. Alright...I'll be sure to tell her...thank you." Jasper's mother came into Jasper's room where he and I were playing Minecraft. "Rose...?"I said sadly, she looked up from her game and cocked her head to the side at my sad face. "Rose...I'm sorry but your parents never made it to your grandparents house...they were in a terrible accident...I'm so sorry my dear..."

Rose's POV:

I put my hand over my mouth. ' isn't true!!! They were always careful!!!' I started crying like there was no tomorrow. Jasper held me close and soon his mother joined in on the hug.

During highschool:

I waited at the bus stop for Jasper. He came running up to me and planted a gental kiss on my cheek and I blushed, smiling up at him. He's almost 6' tall while I'm only 5' so there's quite the height difference. Me and Jasper have been dating since the first year of middle school. We're really happy together and we even still have Luciana!! This is our final year of school, Jasper's already eighteen while I'm still seventeen. I've been having trouble with the kids at our school. They make fun of my pink eyes. But they don't know that I'm part monster. Well, demon that is. But Jasper loves that about me. He loves everything about me though. And I love everything about him. Even his goofy smile and sparkling blue and yellow eyes.

Middle of the day:

e went to lunch. As we sat down someone threw an apple at me. I looked around and saw the jocks and cheerleaders laughing. I walked up to them like nothing had happened. "Did you throw this at me?" I asked sweetly holding up the apple. "No fucking shit we did, freak." One of the jocks said holding a cheerleader close to his side. My sweet and gentle smile turn into a cold and eerie grin. "You really shouldn't have done that." The look at me in shock, but that quickly turns into laugher. "Oh yeah?! And what are you gonna do about it?" The same jock from before yelled. Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at us now. I grinned more evilly. "This!" I jumped into the jock and shoved the apple down his throat after smashing his head into the ground. Everyone gasped in shock. Then they started cheering. I looked up confused. Sure enough, they were cheering for me. They were cheering for me for standing up to the jocks and cheerleaders. Then, something awful happened. Someone kissed me that wasn't Jasper. I punched him in the face. It was one of the jocks. My eyes had pink flames flowing from them, looking at th jock who kissed me. Damien. "WHAT THE HELL DAMIEN?! YOU KNOW IM WITH JASPER!!! DO YOU HAVE FUCKING BRAIN DAMAGE?!" I screamed at him in a demonic voice. He only laughed and simply replied with: "Because you know you love me." That sent me past my breaking point. I lunged at him and bit his neck and tasted the blood that poured from his neck. He screamed in pain. I got up and glared down at him, his blood dripping down my lip. "Don't you EVER say that I love you. I never have, never will. And I'd suggest you get to the nurse before you bleed out. And don't tell them it was me. Or you will face worse." He got up and ran away. I smirked and wiped away his blood off my lips. It tasted bitter. I made a disgusted face. I walked back over to Jasper. He looked proud. I gave him a confused look. "You're so hot when you're mad like that. I'm so fuckin lucky to have you as mine." He said. I blushed immensely and looked down slightly. He only chuckled and got back to eating lunch.

Skip to end of the year:

We finally graduated. We actually made it. A month after graduation, me and Jasper have moved in together. I still have Luciana, she's my little wolfy pup. She gets along with Jasper really well. Jasper loves her and she loves him. And we're basically a family now! If only my parents could see us now. 'mom, dad, I miss you so much, I hope I've made you proud.'

So, that's it for this chapter, hope you enjoy!! Let me know what you think!

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