Faded Memories

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Chapter five
With Gumball's large, pink jacket slung around my shoulders, I walked silently into the Candy Castle, admiring it.
"Fi, this castle smells so good, I might have to take a bite out of it!" Cake exclaimed, earning a fearful look from Prince Gumball.
"Shh! Cake! They're all made of candy here, you can't eat candy or talk about it while we're here!"
"Oh, miss Fiona the Human, don't worry, we know you and your companion will not eat us," Gumball said in a sort of questioning tone, as if he wasn't entirely sure if it were true.
"Yeah, you're totally right, Gumball! We would never even think of it. Well... We might think of it, but we'd definitely never do it! No candy eating here, not us!" I said, trying to reassure him.
"Ah, yes. Well Fiona, if I may call you Fiona that is, would you like a tour of the Candy Castle, Candy Kingdom's most proud structure?" Prince Gumball asked hopefully.
"We'd love to!" Cake exclaimed, hungrily. "I sure am excited to eat- I mean meet all of your candy friends." Cake laughed nefariously.
Swatting her nose and shushing her, I nodded to the prince and we began a guided tour filled with historical lessons and stomach-turning tales.
End flashback
While Prince Gumball and I neared the ballroom in my nice fluffy dress, I remembered all of the wonderful times I've had with him. When he did science and tried to explain it to me, when he told me to go fight some monsters, when he asked me to....
Okay so I haven't really done much with that guy since I met him except for paid work. Why does he want me to go to this dance with him anyway? So he can have me protect him from any big bad monsters? By Cake's hairball, no I will NOT be used again! Not at a time like this. Not by a spoiled-rotten prince. I stood still and he kept walking further into the ballroom, and when he finally disappeared from sight I turned on my heel and ran out of the place, determined not to be part of any of that jerk's shenanigans.
I made it far enough into the Candy Kingdom that he wouldn't be able to find me soon, and I sighed deeply with relief. Cake wouldn't notice my absence, she was with Lord Monochromicorn! But still, I felt guilty for leaving her in there with no warning. I started trudging back to the palace, contemplating the entire reason I was even out so late. I entered the gates of the castle and all of a sudden a collective and drawn-out "Ew!" followed by screams broke out from inside the front room of the castle. I entered and there were lights flickering, a loud hissing noise, and the chaos of 36,528 candy people rushing around the room, trying to escape. A familiar evil laugh rang throughout the room.
Marshall's POV
I paced in my bedroom, anxious about what I was even thinking of doing. If I ruin this date, I might ruin her one chance of happiness left. I broke her heart and left her, and then I plan on wrecking any chance of romance she has in this kingdom? I may be miserable, but that doesn't mean she has to be.
"Uggggghhhhhhh," I groaned loudly, flopping down on my bed. I was greeted by a light, almost flowery scent. Like Fiona's hair. She stayed in my house? Why? Why had she been crying when she thought about me? Why is she still looking for me? Why does she miss me?
Then it dawned on me. This fragile being, small, young, beautiful Fiona actually loves me. I have to talk to her! I have to tell her how I feel! I have to-
No, she's worked hard to get over me and she must be absolutely furious that I'm gone. If I come back now she will just try to fight me or something like she did at my concert so long ago. I'm not from the same world as her, and if anything she's just another type of victim for me to hurt. I can't do it, I won't. I feel like I've done this before a thousand times, but maybe it's just because I can't bear to leave her. I'll just go watch over her at the party and make sure that gumwad treats her right.
I floated my way to the castle, sword at my hip, when I noticed a bright green coming from one of the windows. "That can't be good," I mumbled to myself. Only powerful, evil magic glows such a neon shade of green. It was like looking at glowing grass... Or not. But it was bright green and dangerous looking. I hovered over to the window to see Prince Gumball with a half-skeletal woman hanging on him, whispering in his ear things that I couldn't understand.
Sweet skeletal baby Jesus guys it's been like two years since I've updated any content. If any of you are still with me, thanks a million for being so patient. I'm now a senior in high school with a job and a career path, but writing is something I want to continue for a long time. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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