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My congratulations.
One of the precious opportunities of the Holiday Season is to say Thank You and to wish you happiness in coming year. I wish you miraculous and bright days this holiday season. Blessings, love, and peace to you this year.
Happy New Year! I hope that all your most sacred dreams and wishes come true. And I'm sure they will.
1. It does no matter how slowly you go as so long as you do not stop. - Confucius.
Не важно насколько медленно ты движешься, главное не останавливайся. - Конфуций.

2. Притеснения богатых не сделают бедных счастливее. - Эдмонд Уэллс, ангел. ("Империя Ангелов" - Бернард Вербер)

3. Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. - Charles Read.
Красота - это сила; улыбка - ее меч. - Чарльз Рид.

4. The future belongs to those, who believe in beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt.

5. Music is the universal language of the world. - Henry Longfellow.

6. Imagination rules the world. - Napoleon.

7. Beginnings are usually scary and the endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living.

8. I wish had more time to read books.

9. I'm not crazy. My reality is just different from yours.

10. Look at you. You're young. You're scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring about what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen. Play it loud as fuck and dance to it. Go out for a walk at midnight. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risk. This life is yours.

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