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A dark evening rose into the sky, and clouds swarmed heavily over her as she huddled her egg close. The egg would hatch soon, and she would have to become a mother. The female SkyWing's wings covered the scarlet orange egg from the sprinkles of rain that began to pour. She looked at the egg as it wobbled.

She stared. Was it hatching? It shifted again. Indeed it was. She swept the shell even closer with her tail, staring at it as it began to have small cracks on the edge. Crack... CrrrrRrrack... the egg wiggled vigorously, and you could barely see a small, bright orange talon come out. Strange. It was a more vivid orange than most SkyWings.

It was alright, though, as it was her child. She leaned against the boulder behind her, sighing in relief as it began to emerge.

Wait a second... the new mother noticed another, duller claw come out. What in the three moons?! She gazed at the egg. Perhaps it was a mutation? Most likely. She didn't even know Soar, he probably had some sort of disability.

Crrrrrrraaack... Crrrrick... a small, bright red and orange muzzle poked out. The bright dragonet nudged out its head, showing a saturated and thick red stripe on the top of her head. She paused. The hatchling couldn't be hers. Her scales weren't that bright, nor that pale. She glanced over at the other side, where a dull dragonet arm reached out to try and grab the air. Realization struck her. They were twins.

They seemed small, and weak, but they were still her children. She tried to help them both, peeling apart the eggshell slowly until there was enough room for them to wiggle out. The vivid baby dragon seemed extremely warm, while the sickly looking one seemed cold and ill. She tried to grab the vibrant child first. Gah- She let it go instantly. That dragonet's scales burned.

She squeezed her talons, sighing. That would be a problem.

'Keep a look out.'

She heard distantly. She glanced up. They were near. Carefully, she tried to bring the two dragonets closer to her with her wings.


she shouted, flinching in pain. The female dragonet looked cluelessly up at her mother, letting out a small squeak. Eyes from above stared below, and she knew she was caught. Swiftly, she grabbed the dragonets, not caring how much it stung. She couldn't loose them. Not after she'd been through so much.

She held back yells and cries of pain as she ran with the two dragonets. She lifted to the sky with great despair. She yelped, mot being able to hold onto the female for much longer, letting go of her, making her drop into a seemingly endless void.

The mother soared away. She couldn't go back. She couldn't get caught. She held back a sob as she continued to fly away with the other dragonet clutched in her talons. She had to get away. She had to get away.

All the female hatchling could see was a tiny spec that was getting farther and farther away. Tilting her head, she babbled. A great shadow loomed over her. The burning dragonet flailed her arms around playfully as she was carefully picked up behind with long, clutching iron tweezers. The armoured SkyWings flew away, leaving only the crumbling eggshell behind.

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