669 32 41

In charge of this genre: Footprint2008

Hello fellows! I'm 😴😴 in your service, welcoming you in this genre. (dramatically bowing)

Fill up the contestant form and comment down below. I'll add your book here after that.

PM me if you have any questions or problems. If you change your book title or username after adding your book here kindly let me know, so that I don't get messed up. And if you don't, I'm sorry to tell you that your book will be disqualified.

Contestant Form:

Book Title:
Followed all the rules:
Mature content: Yes/No.



1. Kaajal99
2. leejongsuksgirl


1. The Shadows of Royalty by ash_or_phoenix

2. Meet You Past The Galaxy by anonymous__i

3. where paths align by Cupidbowxx

4. A Queen Indeed by Debbieom

5. Drownin' In 'Em by itsem_zee

6. A Mission To Belong by ILoveBeingABelmention a user

7. The Stubborn Gang Leader Thief: Fallen Immortal King by Meisi_

8. In Wilderness Found by SLC710

9. The Wolf Spirit And The Priestess by des_gemini

10. History Of Us by shining_darkness07

11. Long Live Her Household by TheCrystalInkwell

12. Blood of Deception by KurosuMiei

13. Guarding Margaret D. By hbrown262

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