New Years Eve

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(F/n)'s heart beat increased erratically as she stepped onto the rather large porch of Alfred Jones' house. Truth was, she was not as outgoing as her best friend, Alfred. The girl did not even know why he had befriended her years ago and took the time to get to know her. But whatever the reason, she would be forever grateful for a friend like him. However, she was not exactly thanking him at the moment. The reason why she was standing at his front door was because it was New Years Eve. Of course, being the very shy girl she always was, (F/n) planned to spend her New Years Eve in her living room, on the couch, going on a Disney Movie marathon.

That was her game plan until her best friend called, half-begging and half-forcing her to attend his "super rad and awesome party." With a lot of whining and begging from Alfred, (F/n) gave into his invitation. It's not like she had to socialize all the time, right?

So there she was in front of his door, in a denim dress that ended just above her knees with beige sandals on. (F/n) did not really feel like doing her hair so she left her (h/l), (h/c) locks the way it was. She was about to ring the doorbell when it harshly opened, revealing an excited, blonde-haired man.

"(F/n)!" Alfred pulled her into a tight hug at which she could barely breathe, "Happy New Years Eve, buddy!"

"H-Happy New Years Eve A-Alf-" (F/n) started, but Alfred's grip was inhumanely strong, "C-Can't breathe."

"Whoops! Sorry (F/n)," Alfred let go, leaving the (h/c) haired girl to pant, slightly desperate for oxygen, "Get in here!"

She was quickly pulled into the house, following Alfred through the hallways of his large house and into the main room, where she assumed the party was held. I could always just hide in Alfred's bathroom or something. She sneakily thought.

"So glad you could make it dudette! The party's really gonna get started now!" Alfred beamed as the pair took a turn into the main room.

All you could see were food, drinks, and a lot of countries.

"(F/n)'s finally here, guys! The party can start! WHOO!" Alfred shouted, making almost everyone in the room shout with him.

(F/n) blushed at some of the stares other countries were giving her, especially one.

Ludwig Beilschmidt - the human personification of Germany.

She had first seen him when Alfred took her to one of the World Meetings. Alfred trusted her, so he brought her along to show her what their meetings were like. (F/n) did not like the arguing and random comments being thrown around during the meeting, but she did like how Ludwig managed to maintain control of the countries. She liked his piercing blue eyes that would intimidate if you stared into them too long. She liked his perfect, slicked back blonde hair. Although, she secretly wished she could see it out of place for once. But most of all, she liked how strong, confident, and determined he was when it came to things. These were things she wished she could be. Of course, calculating all of these emotions towards the German, she realized that she had developed a crush on the country.

(F/n) avoided his gaze and looked down at her hands, as if it were more interesting than the party itself. Don't embarrass yourself, idiot! She kept telling herself.

The gazes were turned away and the party started.

Talking, laughing, and the clashing of beers were heard throughout the room. (F/n) realized that she needed fresh air. The noise was getting a bit too much for her.

Without having Alfred notice her slipping out, (F/n) successfully made it outside, to his backyard.

The yelling in his house was loud enough to hear from outside, "TEN MINUTES 'TIL 12 GUYS!! 2015! LET'S GET IT!!"

The girl chuckled. Alfred was always such a party animal.

(F/n) leaned against the door, letting out a sigh of relief. Peace and quiet never felt so good before.

Just as she was about to close her eyes in content, the door swung back. Caught off guard, (F/n) immediately lost her footing and braced herself for the pain that never really came. Just a pair of strong arms enveloping her, preventing her from meeting the ground.

"Hm?" She opened one eye. Then the other and looked up.

Her (e/c) orbs met piercing blue ones. Oh no.

She immediately stood up and faced the rather shocked man, "S-Sorry Germany."

She was about to go back into the house until he stopped her by stepping to the side, completely blocking the way, "Stay, please."

(F/n) immensely blushed and dared herself to meet his eyes. He was blushing, too.


And just like that, (F/n) and Germany (no, Ludwig. He had insisted she call him that) talked for the rest of 2014. Surprisingly, they got to know enough about each other within the short amount of time. All the words that came out of Ludwig intrigued her. Especially one..

"I decided to leave the room for a bit because meine bruder, Gilbert, tried to get zat veird French man to be my 'New Years Kiss'. Gross, right?" He scoffed at the memory. (F/n) nodded, unsurely.

"What's a New Years Kiss?" She asked curiously for she did not know the term.

"Oh.." The German's face flushed, "Um. Jou.. vell, it's just some superstition, but vhen two people share a kiss at midnight, on this date, it'll give jou a year of luck in love."

It was (F/n)'s turn to blush, "Oh."

Ludwig cracked a smile at her reaction, "Have jou ever gotten one?"

(F/n) shyly shook her head, "No.."

And in the background, the pair could hear..

"5..... 4..... 3..... 2....."

Guess she doesn't want.. Ludwig sadly turned away.

And at that last second, a pair of soft hands grabbed his face and his lips immediately came in contact with ones.

His sky blue eyes widened and his cheeks heated as he saw (F/n)'s eyes forcefully closed, a bright red tinting her cheeks as well. It only took him a second to realize. He chuckled into the kiss and held her body closer to his.

Unbeknownst to them, a distant "Kesesesesesese" and "Ohonhonhonhon" could be faintly heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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