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We get in the car and just after we close the doors Noah bursts,

"That's one cool mom. I really hope she likes me. Oh and, I couldn't tell you this at your house but I appreciate you not wearing makeup around me. And also, your house is beautiful."

"You know my mom can't hear you now right?" I say laughing.

He gives a sarcastic smirk and drives away.

I look outside the window as we travel in silence. I knew it wasn't a fun trip like on his birthday so I decided to let the silence remain. The path we were going was beautiful. It was a hilly road. I lower down the window and let the fresh air hit my face. The view was breathtaking. We soon reached at the foot of what seemed like a mountain. Noah steps out and opens the door for me.

"We have to walk from here. It's a pretty long walk. You can wait here if you wish to,"

"No, I'll come" I say, getting out. Noah takes a bag and slings it across his shoulder. It seemed to have water and all other necessities. I step out and start the long walk.

We walked in silence. None of us said anything. I knew he was in a lot of pain and I wanted to be there for him but letting him be in his thoughts seemed like the best thing to do. We were now half way there and we decided to take a small break. We drank some water as we said down and out of nowhere Noah said,

"You may be wondering why Triya is buried in such a remote place. Few days just before she died, she told me she wanted to be buried in the mountains. She always loved them. She used to tell me her plans to live in a small hut near the mountains when she was old enough. And so, we buried her here. Kathy, that's what I call her grand mom, wanted to come to but it would have been very hard for her to walk all the way up. Triya wanted to rest somewhere where no one could come and disturb her. Okay, if you're all set, I think we should start moving."

I just nod and get up. We walk again in silence again but this time my head is full of thoughts about what Noah just said. We walk and walk and walk and after what seemed like forever, we finally reach. There was sand everywhere and a tombstone that read, 'Triya Carson, Rest in Peace' along with the years she lived and a small message written on the bottom,


~Noah & Kathy...' and a long list of people who were probably her school friends. She seemed really loved looking at the long list of names. At the extreme bottom was something barely visible written,

P.S: BTS Sucks!'

I wasn't surprised to see something like that. Sounded like something she would want.

Triya was the only person buried here and Noah and I were alone.

I look up to see Noah's face full of tears. He wipes them off and unzips his bag. He pulls out two bouquets one saying 'Love Kathy' and the other 'Love Noah' and puts them both beside the sign. I take out a small bouquet from my purse and put it along with Noah's and Kathy's. He looks at me and says, "Everyone else will be coming later. So, I decided to come earlier. Just wanted some time alone with her." I understood what he meant and walked backwards leaving him alone. I sit and wait for about five minutes thinking what Noah would be telling her. He then turns and says I can come back. He seemed way better. All tears gone and had a fake smile on.

"Okay let's get going, you don't wanna see the waterworks of all her other friends." I could sense the pain behind all those words and behind that smile. I walk up to him and hug him tightly.

"She would be proud to see what a great guy you are. It'll be okay. I'm here for you." I whisper and hug him tighter. I let go and he says,

"Thanks, but we should really get going, it's becoming dark." He stares at the grave pit one last time and starts walking.

We reached the top of the hill and I was very tired so we decided to take a break. It was beautiful from where we were standing. I could see all the greenery and other mountains from here. All the houses that were miles away, looked so close.

"Wow." Noah says, who had walked next to me.

"Hey Amber," He says and we both face each other.

He clears his throat which I could hear him do all day, and says,

''Triya would have wanted me to live my life to the fullest. The main reason I decided to travel the world was so I could finish what Triya would have wanted to do. She always talked about travelling the world." I stare deep into his eyes, no words coming out. I just manage to nod. He takes his thumbs out of his jean pockets and gives a slight smirk. This would be known as the Noah pose; thumbs in the pockets and a smirk on the face.

He places both his hands on my face and says,

"She would have also wanted me to do this."

My heart definitely skipped a beat as Noah's lips were closing in. His scent filled my nostrils to the point of near brain death. He was so close. That was it – at that very moment his lips brushed over mine like a wave of warmth and all my body reacted to him instinctively. My toes curled, my eyes zeroed in on his. The taste of him... it silenced my thoughts and made me want more. And at that moment I wasn't a diseased, overly emotional girl. I wasn't a normal teenager either. How can one be normal when dating the extraordinary?

Noah pulls away slowly and stares into my eyes with an intensified look.

He closes his eyes for two seconds as if thinking on what to say and then says,

"Okay this may sound cheesy and everything but I mean it. Ever since I met you, I've been happier. You make me a way better person. I thought that if I travel the world, see different places then I would be living my life to the fullest. But every second I spend with you is me living to the fullest. I love you."

My heart flutters. I wanted to say it back because I really did love him but all my words seemed to get choked up in my throat.

He withdraws his hands and faces the greenery. He takes a huge breath in and shouts,

"I LOVE YOU AMBER MILLER!" and I hear the mountains say it back, once... twice... thrice.

I face the huge masses and shout at the top of my lungs,

"I LOVE YOU, NOAH DIXON!" and it echoes back. He smiles wide. His nose and sides of his eyes crinkling so adorably. He holds his hand out and I lock mine in his. We walk back, the feeling of his lips against mine still fresh in my mind. 

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