Chapter 3

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Balaam said to Balak. "Build seven altars here and sacrifice a bull and a ram on each altar."
When the altars were completed, Balaam walked between the altars and inhaled the smoke of the burning sacrifices. He went into a semi-trance and the Lord gave him a poem to recite. He limped to the edge of the mountain and raising his arms, eyes closed, recited the words the Lord gave him.

King Balak of Moab
Brought me from Pethor
from the hills of Syria
to curse Israel
and announce it's doom

But I can't go against God!
He did not curse
or condemn Israel.

From the mountain peaks
I look down and see Israel,
the obedient people of God.

They live alone in peace
and though they are many
they don't bother other nations

I hope to obey God
for as long as I live
and to die
In such peace.

Balak grabbed hold of Balaam and shook him till he opened his eyes.  Balaam took a moment to come out of the trance, and register his surroundings.  The king was shouting.
"What are you doing.  That didn't sound like a curse to me.  You blessed them, you are making a fool of me." Balak stomped around mumbling to himself.  Finally he stopped and declared.  "I know what is's this place it's too near the wanderers.  You are influenced by their proximity.  Come I will take you to the field of Zophim." So they went to the top of Pisgath.

Balaam again asked for seven altars and sacrificed a bull and a ram on each.  He walked around the altars and again went into a semi-trance. The Lord gave him a second poem.  Walking as before to the edge of the mountain, arms wide open and eyes closed, he delivered the words the Lord gave him.

Pay close attention to my words
God is no mere human
He doesn't tell lies or change his mind
God always keeps His promises.

My command is to bless these people
There's nothing I can do
or change what He has done
Israel's king is the Lord God

He lives there with them
and intends them no harm
With the strength of a wild ox
God led Israel out of Egypt

No magic charms can work
against them
Just look what God has done
for his people

They are like angry lions
ready to attack
and they won't rest
until their victim is gobbled up.

When Balaam came out of the trance he saw Balak shaking his head and saying,  "Please..
Please, if you can't curse them, say nothing, but stop blessing them.  I still think it's the place.  Come with me, we are going to Peor.

Balak deliberately chose to take Balaam to the mountain of Peor.  Thinking that the Israelite God would not have much influence there because the temple and statue of the Moabite god Baal-Peor was situated near the base of the mountain.  This might make it easier for the prophet to curse the Israelites.

Balaam made the Moabites build the usual seven altars with the usual seven bulls and rams for sacrifices.  This time when he wanted to walk amongst the altars, Balak stepped in front of him and said. "Stop! No more magic.  No more divination and no more words from your God.  Go stand on the edge of the mountain, keep your eyes open.  Speak your words, not that of your God's."

Balaam wasn't sure what to do but stood on the mountain's edge and looked over the valley.  He lifted his arms, stood for a moment just staring at the valley then started to speak. 

I am the son of Beor
My words are true
Listen to my message
It comes from the Lord,
God most Powerful
This is the vision He gave me :

People of Israel
your  camp is lovely
Like a grove of palm trees
A garden beside a river

You are like tall aloe trees
that the Lord has planted
Like cedars
growing near water

You and your descendants
Will prosper like an orchard
beside a stream

Your king will rule with power
and be a greater king
than Agag the Amalekite.

With the strength of a ox
God led you out of Egypt
You defeat your enemies,
with arrows you crush their bones
Like a resting lion after the hunt
No-one dares disturb you

Those that bless you, are blessed
Those that curse you,
will be cursed.

When Balak heard this, he was furious. His hand on the hilt of his sword, he said. "I should slay you on the spot. Why did you bless them again?"
"From the very first visit of your officials I have been saying that I cannot say anything the Lord God does not put in my mind and my mouth. Be it in a trance or with my eyes wide open and my mind clear, I cannot oppose the thoughts he imparts to me." Balaam countered. Balak replied, "One good thing, my riches are safe. My coffers are still full. There is no reward for someone who cannot deliver. Go home to Pethor. Your business here is finished."

Balaam saw the money, he had so set his heart on, drifting further and further away.
He made one last plea. "I have a plan, a good plan. No more curses that the Israelite God can overrule. A practical plan that will hit them in their weakest spot."

Balak, who was walking away, waving his hand in dismissal, stopped. Turning slowly, his curiosity piqued. He asked. "And what spot might that be?"
Balaam smiling, answered. "Human lust!"

Balak shook his head and continued walking away, but saying loud enough for Balaam to hear, "You're delusional, prophet. I tire of your rambling, begone with you and take that donkey with you for I see it's madness is contagious!

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